Nature is that condition, that reality, which in appearance consists in life
and death, or, in other words, in the composition and decomposition of all
This Nature is subjected to an absolute organization, to
determined laws, to a complete order and a finished design, from which it will
never depart--to such a degree, indeed, that if you look carefully and with keen
sight, from the smallest invisible atom up to such large bodies of the world of
existence as the globe of the sun or the other great stars and luminous spheres,
whether you regard their arrangement, their composition, their form or their
movement, you will find that all are in the highest degree of organization and
are under one law from which they will never depart.
But when you look at
Nature itself, you see that it has no intelligence, no will. For instance, the
nature of fire is to burn; it burns without will or intelligence. The nature of
water is fluidity; it flows without will or intelligence. The nature of the sun
is radiance; it shines without will or intelligence. The nature of vapor is to
ascend; it ascends without will or intelligence. Thus it is clear that the
natural movements of all things are compelled; there are no voluntary movements
except those of animals and, above all, those of man. Man is able to resist and
to oppose Nature because he discovers the constitution of things, and through
this he commands the forces of Nature; all the inventions he has made are due to
his discovery of the constitution
of things. For example, he invented the telegraph, which is the
means of communication between the East and the West. It is evident, then, that
man rules over Nature.
Now, when you behold in existence such
organizations, arrangements and laws, can you say that all these are the effect
of Nature, though Nature has neither intelligence nor perception? If not, it
becomes evident that this Nature, which has neither perception nor intelligence,
is in the grasp of Almighty God, Who is the Ruler of the world of Nature;
whatever He wishes, He causes Nature to manifest.
One of the things which
has appeared in the world of existence, and which is one of the requirements of
Nature, is human life. Considered from this point of view man is the branch;
nature is the root. Then can the will and the intelligence, and the perfections
which exist in the branch, be absent in the root?
It is said that Nature
in its own essence is in the grasp of the power of God, Who is the Eternal
Almighty One: He holds Nature within accurate regulations and laws, and rules
over it.(1)
1. On the idea of
God, cf. "The Divinity Can Only Be Comprehended through the Divine
Manifestations," p. 146; and "Man's Knowledge of God," p. 220.The reader will
there see that the Bahá'í Faith has not an anthropomorphic conception of God,
and that if it employs a customary terminology, it is careful to explain its
symbolic meaning.
One of the proofs and demonstrations of the existence of God is the fact that
man did not create himself: nay, his creator and designer is another than
It is certain and indisputable that the creator of man is not
like man because a powerless creature cannot create another being. The maker,
the creator, has to possess all perfections in order that he may
Can the creation be perfect and the creator imperfect? Can a
picture be a masterpiece and the painter imperfect in his art? For it is his art
and his creation. Moreover, the picture cannot be like the painter; otherwise,
the painting would have created itself. However perfect the picture may be, in
comparison with the painter it is in the utmost degree of
The contingent world is the source of imperfections: God is
the origin of perfections. The imperfections of the contingent world are in
themselves a proof of the perfections of God.
For example, when you look
at man, you see that he is weak. This very weakness of the creature is a proof
of the power of the Eternal Almighty One, because, if there were no power,
weakness could not be imagined. Then the weakness of the creature is a proof of
the power of God; for if there were no power, there could be no weakness; so
from this weakness it becomes evident that there is power in the world. Again,
in the contingent world there is poverty; then necessarily wealth exists, since
poverty is
apparent in the world. In the contingent world there is ignorance;
necessarily knowledge exists, because ignorance is found; for if there were no
knowledge, neither would there be ignorance. Ignorance is the nonexistence of
knowledge, and if there were no existence, nonexistence could not be
It is certain that the whole contingent world is subjected to a
law and rule which it can never disobey; even man is forced to submit to death,
to sleep and to other conditions--that is to say, man in certain particulars is
governed, and necessarily this state of being governed implies the existence of
a governor. Because a characteristic of contingent beings is dependency, and
this dependency is an essential necessity, therefore, there must be an
independent being whose independence is essential.
In the same way it is
understood from the man who is sick that there must be one who is in health; for
if there were no health, his sickness could not be proved.
Therefore, it
becomes evident that there is an Eternal Almighty One, Who is the possessor of
all perfections, because unless He possessed all perfections He would be like
His creation.
Throughout the world of existence it is the same; the
smallest created thing proves that there is a creator. For instance, this piece
of bread proves that it has a maker.
Praise be to God! the least change
produced in the form of the smallest thing proves the existence of a creator:
then can this great universe, which is endless, be self-created and come into
existence from the action of matter and the elements? How self-evidently wrong
is such a supposition!
These obvious arguments are adduced for weak
souls; but if the inner perception be open, a hundred thousand clear proofs
become visible. Thus, when man feels the indwelling spirit, he is in no need of
arguments for its existence; but for those who are deprived of the bounty of the
spirit, it is necessary to establish external arguments.
When we consider existence, we see that the mineral, vegetable, animal and
human worlds are all in need of an educator.
If the earth is not
cultivated, it becomes a jungle where useless weeds grow; but if a cultivator
comes and tills the ground, it produces crops which nourish living creatures. It
is evident, therefore, that the soil needs the cultivation of the farmer.
Consider the trees: if they remain without a cultivator, they will be fruitless,
and without fruit they are useless; but if they receive the care of a gardener,
these same barren trees become fruitful, and through cultivation, fertilization
and engrafting the trees which had bitter fruits yield sweet fruits. These are
rational proofs; in this age the peoples of the world need the arguments of
The same is true with respect to animals: notice that when the
animal is trained it becomes domestic, and also that man, if he is left without
education, becomes bestial, and, moreover, if left under the rule of nature,
becomes lower than an animal, whereas if he is educated he becomes an angel. For
the greater number of animals do not devour their own kind, but men, in the
Sudan, in the central regions of Africa, kill and eat each other.
reflect that it is education that brings the East and the West under the
authority of man; it is education that produces wonderful industries; it is
education that spreads great sciences and arts; it is education that makes
manifest new discoveries and institutions. If there were no educator, there
would be no such things as comforts, civilization
or humanity. If a man be left alone in a wilderness where he sees
none of his own kind, he will undoubtedly become a mere brute; it is then clear
that an educator is needed.
But education is of three kinds: material,
human and spiritual. Material education is concerned with the progress and
development of the body, through gaining its sustenance, its material comfort
and ease. This education is common to animals and man.
Human education
signifies civilization and progress-- that is to say, government,
administration, charitable works, trades, arts and handicrafts, sciences, great
inventions and discoveries and elaborate institutions, which are the activities
essential to man as distinguished from the animal.
Divine education is
that of the Kingdom of God: it consists in acquiring divine perfections, and
this is true education; for in this state man becomes the focus of divine
blessings, the manifestation of the words, "Let Us make man in Our image, and
after Our likeness."(1) This is the goal of the world of
Now we need an educator who will be at the same time a
material, human and spiritual educator, and whose authority will be effective in
all conditions. So if anyone should say, "I possess perfect comprehension and
intelligence, and I have no need of such an educator," he would be denying that
which is clear and evident, as though a child should say, "I have no need of
education; I will act according to my reason and intelligence, and so I shall
attain the perfections of existence"; or as though the blind should say, "I am
in no need of sight, because many other blind people exist without
Then it is plain and evident that man needs an educator, and
this educator must be unquestionably and indubitably perfect in all respects and
distinguished above all men. Otherwise, if he should be like the rest of
humanity, he
1. Cf. Gen.
could not be their educator, more particularly because he must be at
the same time their material and human as well as their spiritual educator--that
is to say, he must teach men to organize and carry out physical matters, and to
form a social order in order to establish cöoperation and mutual aid in living
so that material affairs may be organized and regulated for any circumstances
that may occur. In the same way he must establish human education--that is to
say, he must educate intelligence and thought in such a way that they may attain
complete development, so that knowledge and science may increase, and the
reality of things, the mysteries of beings and the properties of existence may
be discovered; that, day by day, instructions, inventions and institutions may
be improved; and from things perceptible to the senses conclusions as to
intellectual things may be deduced.
He must also impart spiritual
education, so that intelligence and comprehension may penetrate the metaphysical
world, and may receive benefit from the sanctifying breeze of the Holy Spirit,
and may enter into relationship with the Supreme Concourse. He must so educate
the human reality that it may become the center of the divine appearance, to
such a degree that the attributes and the names of God shall be resplendent in
the mirror of the reality of man, and the holy verse "We will make man in Our
image and likeness" shall be realized.(1)
It is clear that human power is not able
to fill such a great office, and that reason alone could not undertake the
responsibility of so great a mission. How can one solitary person without help
and without support lay the foundations of such a noble construction? He must
depend on the help of the spiritual and divine power to be able to undertake
this mission. One Holy Soul gives life to the world of humanity, changes the
aspect of the terrestrial globe, causes intelligence to progress, vivifies
souls, lays the basis
1. Cf. Gen.
of a new life, establishes new foundations, organizes the world,
brings nations and religions under the shadow of one standard, delivers man from
the world of imperfections and vices, and inspires him with the desire and need
of natural and acquired perfections. Certainly nothing short of a divine power
could accomplish so great a work. We ought to consider this with justice, for
this is the office of justice.
A Cause which all the governments and
peoples of the world, with all their powers and armies, cannot promulgate and
spread, one Holy Soul can promote without help or support! Can this be done by
human power? No, in the name of God! For example, Christ, alone and solitary,
upraised the standard of peace and righteousness, a work which all the
victorious governments with all their hosts are unable to accomplish. Consider
what was the fate of so many and diverse empires and peoples: the Roman Empire,
France, Germany, Russia, England, etc.; all were gathered together under the
same tent--that is to say, the appearance of Christ brought about a union among
these diverse nations, some of whom, under the influence of Christianity, became
so united that they sacrificed their lives and property for one another. After
the time of Constantine, who was the protagonist of Christianity, divisions
broke out among them. The point is this, that Christ united these nations but
after a while governments became the cause of discord. What I mean is that
Christ sustained a Cause that all the kings of the earth could not establish! He
united the various religions and modified ancient customs. Consider what great
differences existed between Romans, Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians, Phoenicians,
Israelites and other peoples of Europe. Christ removed these differences and
became the cause of love between these communities. Although after some time
governments destroyed this union, the work of Christ was
Therefore, the Universal Educator must be at the same time a physical,
human and spiritual educator; and He must possess a supernatural power, so that
He may hold the position of a divine teacher. If He does not show forth such a
holy power, He will not be able to educate, for if He be imperfect, how can He
give a perfect education? If He be ignorant, how can He make others wise? If He
be unjust, how can He make others just? If He be earthly, how can He make others
Now we must consider justly: did these Divine Manifestations
Who have appeared possess all these qualifications or not?(1) If They
had not these qualifications and these perfections, They were not real
Therefore, it must be our task to prove to the thoughtful by
reasonable arguments the prophethood of Moses, of Christ and of the other Divine
Manifestations. And the proofs and evidences which we give are not based on
traditional but on rational arguments.
It has now been proved by rational
arguments that the world of existence is in the utmost need of an educator, and
that its education must be achieved by divine power. There is no doubt that this
holy power is revelation, and that the world must be educated through this power
which is above human power.
1. Divine
Manifestations are the founders of religions. Cf. "TwoClasses of Prophets," p.
One of those Who possessed this power and was assisted by it was Abraham. And
the proof of it was that He was born in Mesopotamia, and of a family who were
ignorant of the Oneness of God. He opposed His own nation and people, and even
His own family, by rejecting all their gods. Alone and without help He resisted
a powerful tribe, a task which is neither simple nor easy. It is as if in this
day someone were to go to a Christian people who are attached to the Bible, and
deny Christ; or in the Papal Court--God forbid!--if such a one were in the most
powerful manner to blaspheme against Christ and oppose the people.
people believed not in one God but in many gods, to whom they ascribed miracles;
therefore, they all arose against Him, and no one supported Him except Lot, His
brother's son, and one or two other people of no importance. At last, reduced to
the utmost distress by the opposition of His enemies, He was obliged to leave
His native land. In reality they banished Him in order that He might be crushed
and destroyed, and that no trace of Him might be left.
Abraham then came
into the region of the Holy Land. His enemies considered that His exile would
lead to His destruction and ruin, as it seemed impossible that a man banished
from His native land, deprived of His rights and oppressed on all sides--even
though He were a king --could escape extermination. But Abraham stood fast and
showed forth extraordinary firmness--and God made this
exile to be to His eternal honor--until He established the Unity of
God in the midst of a polytheistic generation. This exile became the cause of
the progress of the descendants of Abraham, and the Holy Land was given to them.
As a result the teachings of Abraham were spread abroad, a Jacob appeared among
His posterity, and a Joseph who became ruler in Egypt. In consequence of His
exile a Moses and a being like Christ were manifested from His posterity, and
Hagar was found from whom Ishmael was born, one of whose descendants was
Muhammad. In consequence of His exile the Báb appeared from His posterity,(1) and the
Prophets of Israel were numbered among the descendants of Abraham. And so it
will continue for ever and ever. Finally, in consequence of His exile the whole
of Europe and most of Asia came under the protecting shadow of the God of
Israel. See what a power it is that enabled a Man Who was a fugitive from His
country to found such a family, to establish such a faith, and to promulgate
such teachings. Can anyone say that all this occurred accidentally? We must be
just: was this Man an Educator or not?
Since the exile of Abraham from Ur
to Aleppo in Syria produced this result, we must consider what will be the
effect of the exile of Bahá'u'lláh in His several removes from Tihrán to
Baghdád, from thence to Constantinople, to Rumelia and to the Holy
See what a perfect Educator Abraham was!
1. The Báb's
descent was from Muhammad.
Moses was for a long time a shepherd in the wilderness. Regarded outwardly,
He was a Man brought up in a tyrannical household, and was known among men as
One Who had committed a murder and become a shepherd. By the government and the
people of Pharaoh He was much hated and detested.
It was such a Man as
this that freed a great nation from the chains of captivity, made them
contented, brought them out from Egypt, and led them to the Holy
This people from the depths of degradation were lifted up to the
height of glory. They were captive; they became free. They were the most
ignorant of peoples; they became the most wise. As the result of the
institutions that Moses gave them, they attained a position which entitled them
to honor among all nations, and their fame spread to all lands, to such a degree
indeed that among surrounding nations if one wished to praise a man one said,
"Surely he is an Israelite." Moses established laws and ordinances; these gave
life to the people of Israel, and led them to the highest possible degree of
civilization at that period.
To such a development did they attain that
the philosophers of Greece would come and acquire knowledge from the learned men
of Israel. Such an one was Socrates, who visited Syria, and took from the
children of Israel the teachings of the Unity of God and of the immortality of
the soul. After his return to Greece, he promulgated these teachings. Later the
people of Greece rose in opposition to
him, accused him of impiety, arraigned him before the Areopagus,
and condemned him to death by poison.
Now, how could a Man Who was a
stammerer, Who had been brought up in the house of Pharaoh, Who was known among
men as a murderer, Who through fear had for a long time remained in concealment,
and Who had become a shepherd, establish so great a Cause, when the wisest
philosophers on earth have not displayed one thousandth part of this influence?
This is indeed a prodigy.
A Man Who had a stammering tongue, Who could
not even converse correctly, succeeded in sustaining this great Cause! If He had
not been assisted by divine power, He would never have been able to carry out
this great work. These facts are undeniable. Materialist philosophers, Greek
thinkers, the great men of Rome became famous in the world, each one of them
having specialized in one branch of learning only. Thus Galen and Hippocrates
became celebrated in medicine, Aristotle in logic and reasoning, and Plato in
ethics and theology. How is it that a shepherd could acquire all of this
knowledge? It is beyond doubt that He must have been assisted by an omnipotent
Consider also what trials and difficulties arise for people. To
prevent an act of cruelty, Moses struck down an Egyptian and afterward became
known among men as a murderer, more notably because the man He had killed was of
the ruling nation. Then He fled, and it was after that that He was raised to the
rank of a Prophet!
In spite of His evil repute, how wonderfully He was
guided by a supernatural power in establishing His great institutions and
Afterward Christ came, saying, "I am born of the Holy Spirit." Though it is
now easy for the Christians to believe this assertion, at that time it was very
difficult. According to the text of the Gospel the Pharisees said, "Is not this
the son of Joseph of Nazareth Whom we know? How can He say, therefore, I came
down from heaven?"(1)
Briefly, this Man,
Who, apparently, and in the eyes of all, was lowly, arose with such great power
that He abolished a religion that had lasted fifteen hundred years, at a time
when the slightest deviation from it exposed the offender to danger or to death.
Moreover, in the days of Christ the morals of the whole world and the condition
of the Israelites had become completely confused and corrupted, and Israel had
fallen into a state of the utmost degradation, misery and bondage. At one time
they had been taken captive by the Chaldeans and Persians; at another time they
were reduced to slavery to the Assyrians; then they became the subjects and
vassals of the Greeks; and finally they were ruled over and despised by the
This young Man, Christ, by the help of a supernatural power,
abrogated the ancient Mosaic Law, reformed the general morals, and once again
laid the foundation of eternal glory for the Israelites. Moreover, He brought to
humanity the glad tidings of universal peace, and spread abroad teachings which
were not for Israel alone but were for the general happiness of the whole human
1. Cf. John
Those who first strove to do away with Him were the Israelites, His
own kindred. To all outward appearances they overcame Him and brought Him into
direst distress. At last they crowned Him with the crown of thorns and crucified
Him. But Christ, while apparently in the deepest misery and affliction,
proclaimed, "This Sun will be resplendent, this Light will shine, My grace will
surround the world, and all My enemies will be brought low." And as He said, so
it was; for all the kings of the earth have not been able to withstand Him. Nay,
all their standards have been overthrown, while the banner of that Oppressed One
has been raised to the zenith.
But this is opposed to all the rules of
human reason. Then it becomes clear and evident that this Glorious Being was a
true Educator of the world of humanity, and that He was helped and confirmed by
divine power.
Now we come to Muhammad. Americans and Europeans have heard a number of
stories about the Prophet which they have thought to be true, although the
narrators were either ignorant or antagonistic: most of them were clergy; others
were ignorant Muslims who repeated unfounded traditions about Muhammad which
they ignorantly believed to be to His praise.
Thus some benighted Muslims
made His polygamy the pivot of their praises and held it to be a wonder,
regarding it as a miracle; and European historians, for the most part, rely on
the tales of these ignorant people.
For example, a foolish man said to a
clergyman that the true proof of greatness is bravery and the shedding of blood,
and that in one day on the field of battle a follower of Muhammad had cut off
the heads of one hundred men! This misled the clergyman to infer that killing is
considered the way to prove one's faith to Muhammad, while this is merely
imaginary. The military expeditions of Muhammad, on the contrary, were always
defensive actions: a proof of this is that during thirteen years, in Mecca, He
and His followers endured the most violent persecutions. At this period they
were the target for the arrows of hatred: some of His companions were killed and
their property confiscated; others fled to foreign lands. Muhammad Himself,
after the most extreme persecutions by the Qurayshites, who finally resolved to
kill Him, fled to Medina in the middle of the night. Yet even then
enemies did not cease their persecutions, but pursued Him to
Medina, and His disciples even to Abyssinia.
These Arab tribes were in
the lowest depths of savagery and barbarism, and in comparison with them the
savages of Africa and wild Indians of America were as advanced as a Plato. The
savages of America do not bury their children alive as these Arabs did their
daughters, glorying in it as being an honorable thing to do.(1) Thus
many of the men would threaten their wives, saying, "If a daughter is born to
you, I will kill you." Even down to the present time the Arabs dread having
daughters. Further, a man was permitted to take a thousand women, and most
husbands had more than ten wives in their household. When these tribes made war,
the one which was victorious would take the women and children of the vanquished
tribe captive and treat them as slaves.
When a man who had ten wives
died, the sons of these women rushed at each other's mothers; and if one of the
sons threw his mantle over the head of his father's wife and cried out, "This
woman is my lawful property," at once the unfortunate woman became his prisoner
and slave. He could do whatever he wished with her. He could kill her, imprison
her in a well, or beat, curse and torture her until death released her.
According to the Arab habits and customs, he was her master. It is evident that
malignity, jealousy, hatred and enmity must have existed between the wives and
children of a household, and it is, therefore, needless to enlarge upon the
subject. Again, consider what was the condition and life of these oppressed
women! Moreover, the means by which these Arab tribes lived consisted in pillage
and robbery, so that they were perpetually engaged in fighting and war, killing
one another, plundering and devastating each other's property,
1. The
Banú-Tamím, one of the most barbarous Arab tribes, practiced this odious
and capturing women and children, whom they would sell to
strangers. How often it happened that the daughters and sons of a prince, who
spent their day in comfort and luxury, found themselves, when night fell,
reduced to shame, poverty and captivity. Yesterday they were princes, today they
are captives; yesterday they were great ladies, today they are
Muhammad received the Divine Revelation among these tribes, and
after enduring thirteen years of persecution from them, He fled.(1) But this
people did not cease to oppress; they united to exterminate Him and all His
followers. It was under such circumstances that Muhammad was forced to take up
arms. This is the truth: we are not bigoted and do not wish to defend Him, but
we are just, and we say what is just. Look at it with justice. If Christ Himself
had been placed in such circumstances among such tyrannical and barbarous
tribes, and if for thirteen years He with His disciples had endured all these
trials with patience, culminating in flight from His native land--if in spite of
this these lawless tribes continued to pursue Him, to slaughter the men, to
pillage their property, and to capture their women and children--what would have
been Christ's conduct with regard to them? If this oppression had fallen only
upon Himself, He would have forgiven them, and such an act of forgiveness would
have been most praiseworthy; but if He had seen that these cruel and
bloodthirsty murderers wished to kill, to pillage and to injure all these
oppressed ones, and to take captive the women and children, it is certain that
He would have protected them and would have resisted the tyrants. What
objection, then, can be taken to Muhammad's action? Is it this, that He did not,
with His followers, and their women and children, submit to these savage tribes?
To free these tribes from their bloodthirstiness was the greatest kindness, and
to coerce and restrain them was
1. To
a true mercy. They were like a man holding in his hand a cup of
poison, which, when about to drink, a friend breaks and thus saves him. If
Christ had been placed in similar circumstances, it is certain that with a
conquering power He would have delivered the men, women and children from the
claws of these bloodthirsty wolves.
Muhammad never fought against the
Christians; on the contrary, He treated them kindly and gave them perfect
freedom. A community of Christian people lived at Najrán and were under His care
and protection. Muhammad said, "If anyone infringes their rights, I Myself will
be his enemy, and in the presence of God I will bring a charge against him." In
the edicts which He promulgated it is clearly stated that the lives, properties
and honor of the Christians and Jews are under the protection of God; and that
if a Muhammadan married a Christian woman, the husband must not prevent her from
going to church, nor oblige her to veil herself; and that if she died, he must
place her remains in the care of the Christian clergy. Should the Christians
desire to build a church, Islám ought to help them. In case of war between Islám
and her enemies, the Christians should be exempted from the obligation of
fighting, unless they desired of their own free will to do so in defense of
Islám, because they were under its protection. But as a compensation for this
immunity, they should pay yearly a small sum of money. In short, there are seven
detailed edicts on these subjects, some copies of which are still extant at
Jerusalem. This is an established fact and is not dependent on my affirmation.
The edict of the second Caliph(1) still exists in the custody
of the orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, and of this there is no doubt.(2)
Nevertheless, after a
certain time, and through the
1. Of
2. Cf. Jurjí Zaydán's Umayyads and Abbasids, trans. D. S.
transgression of both the Muhammadans and the Christians, hatred
and enmity arose between them. Beyond this fact, all the narrations of the
Muslims, Christians and others are simply fabrications, which have their origin
in fanaticism, or ignorance, or emanate from intense hostility.
example, the Muslims say that Muhammad cleft the moon, and that it fell on the
mountain of Mecca: they think that the moon is a small body which Muhammad
divided into two parts and threw one part on this mountain, and the other part
on another mountain.
Such stories are pure fanaticism. Also the
traditions which the clergy quote, and the incidents with which they find fault,
are all exaggerated, if not entirely without foundation.
Muhammad appeared in the desert of Hijáz in the Arabian Peninsula, which was a
desolate, sterile wilderness, sandy and uninhabited. Some parts, like Mecca and
Medina, are extremely hot; the people are nomads with the manners and customs of
the dwellers in the desert, and are entirely destitute of education and science.
Muhammad Himself was illiterate, and the Qur'án was originally written upon the
bladebones of sheep, or on palm leaves. These details indicate the condition of
the people to whom Muhammad was sent. The first question which He put to them
was, "Why do you not accept the Pentateuch and the Gospel, and why do you not
believe in Christ and in Moses?" This saying presented difficulties to them, and
they argued, "Our forefathers did not believe in the Pentateuch and the Gospel;
tell us, why was this?" He answered, "They were misled; you ought to reject
those who do not believe in the Pentateuch and the Gospel, even though they are
your fathers and your ancestors."
In such a country, and amidst such
barbarous tribes, an illiterate Man produced a book in which, in a perfect and
eloquent style, He explained the divine attributes and
perfections, the prophethood of the Messengers of God, the divine
laws, and some scientific facts.
Thus, you know that before the
observations of modern times--that is to say, during the first centuries and
down to the fifteenth century of the Christian era--all the mathematicians of
the world agreed that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun
moved. The famous astronomer who was the protagonist of the new theory
discovered the movement of the earth and the immobility of the sun.(1) Until
his time all the astronomers and philosophers of the world followed the
Ptolemaic system, and whoever said anything against it was considered ignorant.
Though Pythagoras, and Plato during the latter part of his life, adopted the
theory that the annual movement of the sun around the zodiac does not proceed
from the sun, but rather from the movement of the earth around the sun, this
theory had been entirely forgotten, and the Ptolemaic system was accepted by all
mathematicians. But there are some verses revealed in the Qur'án contrary to the
theory of the Ptolemaic system. One of them is "The sun moves in a fixed place,"
which shows the fixity of the sun, and its movement around an axis.(2) Again,
in another verse, "And each star moves in its own heaven."(3) Thus is
explained the movement of the sun, of the moon, of the earth, and of other
bodies. When the Qur'án appeared, all the mathematicians ridiculed these
statements and attributed the theory to ignorance. Even the doctors of Islám,
when they saw that these verses were contrary to the accepted Ptolemaic system,
were obliged to explain them away.
It was not until after the fifteenth
century of the Christian era, nearly nine hundred years after Muhammad, that a
famous astronomer made new observations and important discoveries by the aid of
the telescope, which he had
2. Cf. Qur'án 36:37.
3. Cf. Qur'án
invented.(1) The rotation of the earth,
the fixity of the sun, and also its movement around an axis, were discovered. It
became evident that the verses of the Qur'án agreed with existing facts, and
that the Ptolemaic system was imaginary.
In short, many Oriental peoples
have been reared for thirteen centuries under the shadow of the religion of
Muhammad. During the Middle Ages, while Europe was in the lowest depths of
barbarism, the Arab peoples were superior to the other nations of the earth in
learning, in the arts, mathematics, civilization, government and other sciences.
The Enlightener and Educator of these Arab tribes, and the Founder of the
civilization and perfections of humanity among these different races, was an
illiterate Man, Muhammad. Was this illustrious Man a thorough Educator or not? A
just judgment is necessary.
As for the Báb--may my soul be His sacrifice!--at a youthful age, that is to
say, when He had reached the twenty-fifth year of His blessed life, He stood
forth to proclaim His Cause.(1) It was universally admitted
by the Shí'is that He had never studied in any school and had not acquired
knowledge from any teacher; all the people of Shíráz bear witness to this.
Nevertheless, He suddenly appeared before the people, endowed with the most
complete erudition. Although He was but a merchant, He confounded all the `ulamá
of Persia.(2) All alone, in a way which is
beyond imagination, He upheld the Cause among the Persians, who are renowned for
their religious fanaticism. This illustrious Soul arose with such power that He
shook the supports of the religion, of the morals, the conditions, the habits
and the customs of Persia, and instituted new rules, new laws and a new
religion. Though the great personages of the State, nearly all the clergy, and
the public men arose to destroy and annihilate Him, He alone withstood them and
moved the whole of Persia.
Many `ulamá and public men, as well as other
people, joyfully sacrificed their lives in His Cause, and hastened to the plain
of martyrdom.
1. The Báb is
here designated by His title Hadrat-i-`Alá, His Supreme Highness; but for the
convenience of the reader we shall continue to designate Him by the name under
which He is known throughout Europe--i.e., the Báb.
2. Doctors of the
religion of Islám.
The government, the nation, the doctors of divinity and the great
personages desired to extinguish His light, but they could not do so. At last
His moon arose, His star shone forth, His foundations became firmly established,
and His dawning-place became brilliant. He imparted divine education to an
unenlightened multitude and produced marvelous results on the thoughts, morals,
customs and conditions of the Persians. He announced the glad tidings of the
manifestation of the Sun of Bahá to His followers and prepared them to
The appearance of such wonderful signs and great results; the
effects produced upon the minds of the people, and upon the prevailing ideas;
the establishment of the foundations of progress; and the organization of the
principles of success and prosperity by a young merchant, constitute the
greatest proof that He was a perfect Educator. A just person will never hesitate
to believe this.
Bahá'u'lláh(1) appeared at a time when the Persian Empire was
immersed in profound obscurantism and ignorance and lost in the blindest
In the European histories, no doubt, you have read detailed
accounts of the morals, customs and ideas of the Persians during the last
centuries. It is useless to repeat them. Briefly, we will say that Persia had
fallen so low that to all foreign travelers it was a matter of regret that this
country, which in former times had been so glorious and highly civilized, had
now become so decayed, ruined and upset, and that its population had lost its
It was at this time that Bahá'u'lláh appeared. His father was
one of the viziers, not one of the `ulamá. As all the people of Persia know, He
had never studied in any school, nor had He associated with the `ulamá or the
men of learning. The early part of His life was passed in the greatest
happiness. His companions and associates were Persians of the highest rank, but
not learned men.
As soon as the Báb became manifested, Bahá'u'lláh said,
"This great Man is the Lord of the righteous, and faith in Him is incumbent upon
all." And He arose to assist the Báb and gave many proofs and positive evidences
of His truth, in spite of the fact that the `ulamá of the state
Jamál-i-Mubárak, the Blessed Beauty, the title which is here given to
Bahá'u'lláh. He is also called Jamál-i-Qidám, the Preexistent, or Ancient
Beauty. But we shall designate Him as Bahá'u'lláh, the title by which He is
known in the West.
religion had constrained the Persian government to oppose and
resist Him and had further issued decrees ordering the massacre, pillage,
persecution and expulsion of His followers. In all the provinces they began to
kill, to burn, to pillage the converts and even to assault the women and
children. Regardless of this, Bahá'u'lláh arose to proclaim the word of the Báb
with the greatest firmness and energy. Not for one moment was He in concealment;
He mixed openly with His enemies. He was occupied in showing forth evidences and
proofs and was recognized as the Herald of the Word of God. In many changes and
chances He endured the greatest misfortunes, and at every moment He ran the risk
of being martyred.
He was put into chains and confined in an underground
prison. His vast property and inheritance were pillaged and confiscated. He was
exiled four times from land to land and found rest only in the "Greatest
In spite of all this
He never ceased for one instant His proclamation of the greatness of the Cause
of God. He manifested such virtue, knowledge and perfections that He became a
wonder to all the people of Persia. So much so that in Tihrán, Baghdád,
Constantinople, Rumelia, and even in Akká, every one of the learned and
scientific men who entered His presence, whether friend or enemy, never failed
to receive the most sufficient and convincing answer to whatever question was
propounded. All frequently acknowledged that He was alone and unique in all
It often happened that in Baghdád certain Muhammadan `ulamá,
Jewish rabbis and Christians met together with some European scholars, in a
blessed reunion: each one had some question to propose, and although they
1. Exiled first
to Baghdád, then to Constantinople, then to Adrianople, He was imprisoned in
Akká (Acre), "the Greatest Prison," in 1868.
possessed of varying degrees of culture, they each heard a
sufficient and convincing reply, and retired satisfied. Even the Persian `ulamá
who were at Kárbilá and Najaf chose a wise man whom they sent on a mission to
Him; his name was Mullá Hasan `Amú. He came into the Holy Presence, and proposed
a number of questions on behalf of the `ulamá, to which Bahá'u'lláh replied.
Then Hasan `Amú said, "The `ulamá recognize without hesitation and confess the
knowledge and virtue of Bahá'u'lláh, and they are unanimously convinced that in
all learning he has no peer or equal; and it is also evident that he has never
studied or acquired this learning; but still the `ulamá say, `We are not
contented with this; we do not acknowledge the reality of his mission by virtue
of his wisdom and righteousness. Therefore, we ask him to show us a miracle in
order to satisfy and tranquilize our hearts.'"
Bahá'u'lláh replied,
"Although you have no right to ask this, for God should test His creatures, and
they should not test God, still I allow and accept this request. But the Cause
of God is not a theatrical display that is presented every hour, of which some
new diversion may be asked for every day. If it were thus, the Cause of God
would become mere child's play.
"The `ulamás must, therefore, assemble,
and, with one accord, choose one miracle, and write that, after the performance
of this miracle they will no longer entertain doubts about Me, and that all will
acknowledge and confess the truth of My Cause. Let them seal this paper, and
bring it to Me. This must be the accepted criterion: if the miracle is
performed, no doubt will remain for them; and if not, We shall be convicted of
imposture." The learned man, Hasan `Amú, rose and replied, "There is no more to
be said"; he then kissed the knee of the Blessed One although he was not a
believer, and went. He gathered the `ulamá and gave them the sacred message.
They consulted
together and said, "This man is an enchanter; perhaps he will
perform an enchantment, and then we shall have nothing more to say." Acting on
this belief, they did not dare to push the matter further.(1)
This man, Hasan `Amú,
mentioned this fact at many meetings. After leaving Kárbilá he went to
Kirmansháh and Tihrán and spread a detailed account of it everywhere, laying
emphasis on the fear and the withdrawal of the `ulamá.
Briefly, all His
adversaries in the Orient acknowledged His greatness, grandeur, knowledge and
virtue; and though they were His enemies, they always spoke of Him as "the
renowned Bahá'u'lláh."
At the time when this great Light suddenly arose
upon the horizon of Persia, all the people, the ministers, the `ulamá and men of
other classes rose against Him, pursuing Him with the greatest animosity, and
proclaiming "that this man wishes to suppress and destroy the religion, the law,
the nation and the empire." The same was said of Christ. But Bahá'u'lláh alone
and without support resisted them all, without ever showing the least weakness.
At last they said, "As long as this man is in Persia, there will be no peace and
tranquillity; we must banish him, so that Persia may return to a state of
They proceeded to use violence toward Him to oblige Him to ask
for permission to leave Persia, thinking that by this means the light of His
truth would be extinguished, but the result was quite the contrary. The Cause
became magnified, and its flame more intense. At first it spread throughout
Persia only, but the exile of Bahá'u'lláh caused the diffusion of the Cause
throughout other countries.
1. The
penetrating judgment of Bahá'u'lláh upon this occasion overcame the malignity of
His enemies, who, it was certain, would never agree in choosing what miracle to
ask for.
Today, at table, let us speak for a little of proofs. If you had come to this
blessed place in the days of the manifestation of the evident Light,(1) if you
had attained to the court of His presence, and had witnessed His luminous
beauty, you would have understood that His teachings and perfection were not in
need of further evidence.
Only through the honor of entering His
presence, many souls became confirmed believers; they had no need of other
proofs. Even those people who rejected and hated Him bitterly, when they had met
Him, would testify to the grandeur of Bahá'u'lláh, saying, "This is a
magnificent man, but what a pity that he makes such a claim! Otherwise, all that
he says is acceptable."
But now, as that Light of Reality has set, all
are in need of proofs; so we have undertaken to demonstrate rational proofs of
the truth of His claim. We will cite another which alone is sufficient for all
who are just, and which no one can deny. It is that this illustrious Being
uplifted His Cause in the "Greatest Prison";(2) from
this Prison His light was shed abroad, His fame conquered the world, and the
proclamation of His glory reached the East and West. Until our time no such
thing has ever occurred.
If there be justice, this will be acknowledged;
but there are some people who, even if all the proofs in the world be adduced
before them, still will not judge justly!
2. Akká.
Thus nations and states with all their strength could not resist
Him. Verily, single and alone, imprisoned and oppressed, He accomplished
whatever He desired.
I do not wish to mention the miracles of
Bahá'u'lláh, for it may perhaps be said that these are traditions, liable both
to truth and to error, like the accounts of the miracles of Christ in the
Gospel, which come to us from the apostles, and not from anyone else, and are
denied by the Jews. Though if I wish to mention the supernatural acts of
Bahá'u'lláh, they are numerous; they are acknowledged in the Orient, and even by
some non-Bahá'ís. But these narratives are not decisive proofs and evidences to
all; the hearer might perhaps say that this account may not be in accordance
with what occurred, for it is known that other sects recount miracles performed
by their founders. For instance, the followers of Brahmanism relate miracles.
From what evidence may we know that those are false and that these are true? If
these are fables, the others also are fables; if these are generally accepted,
so also the others are generally accepted. Consequently, these accounts are not
satisfactory proofs. Yes, miracles are proofs for the eyewitness only, and even
he may regard them not as a miracle but as an enchantment. Extraordinary feats
have also been related of some conjurors.
Briefly, my meaning is that
many wonderful things were done by Bahá'u'lláh, but we do not recount them, as
they do not constitute proofs and evidences for all the peoples of the earth,
and they are not decisive proofs even for those who see them: they may think
that they are merely enchantments.
Also, most of the miracles of the
Prophets which are mentioned have an inner significance. For instance, in the
Gospel it is written that at the martyrdom of Christ darkness prevailed, and the
earth quaked, and the veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the
bottom, and the dead came forth from their graves. If these events
happened, they would indeed have been awesome, and would certainly
have been recorded in the history of the times. They would have become the cause
of much troublings of heart. Either the soldiers would have taken down Christ
from the cross, or they would have fled. These events are not related in any
history; therefore, it is evident they ought not to be taken literally, but as
having an inner significance.
Our purpose is not to deny such miracles;
our only meaning is that they do not constitute decisive proofs, and that they
have an inner significance.(1)
Accordingly, today, at table, we will
refer to the explanation of the traditional proofs which are in the Holy Books.
Until now, all that we have spoken of are rational proofs.
The state in
which one should be to seriously search for the truth is the condition of the
thirsty, burning soul desiring the water of life, of the fish struggling to
reach the sea, of the sufferer seeking for the true doctor to obtain the divine
cure, of the lost caravan endeavoring to find the right road, of the lost and
wandering ship striving to reach the shore of salvation.
Therefore, the
seeker must be endowed with certain qualities. First of all, he must be just and
severed from all else save God; his heart must be entirely turned to the supreme
horizon; he must be free from the bondage of self and passion, for all these are
obstacles. Furthermore, he must be able to endure all hardships. He must be
absolutely pure and sanctified, and free from the love or the hatred of the
inhabitants of the world. Why? because the fact of his love for any person or
thing might prevent him from recognizing the truth in another, and, in the same
way, hatred for anything might be a hindrance in discerning truth. This is the
condition of seeking, and the
1. Cf.
"Miracles," p. 100.
seeker must have these qualities and attributes. Until he reaches
this condition, it is not possible for him to attain to the Sun of
Let us now return to our subject. All the peoples of the world
are awaiting two Manifestations, Who must be contemporaneous; all wait for the
fulfillment of this promise. In the Bible the Jews have the promise of the Lord
of Hosts and the Messiah; in the Gospel the return of Christ and Elijah is
In the religion of Muhammad there is the promise of the Mihdí
and the Messiah, and it is the same with the Zoroastrian and the other
religions, but if we relate these matters in detail, it would take too long. The
essential fact is that all are promised two Manifestations, Who will come, one
following on the other. It has been prophesied that in the time of these two
Manifestations the earth will be transformed, the world of existence will be
renewed, and beings will be clothed in new garments. Justice and truth will
encompass the world; enmity and hatred will disappear; all causes of division
among peoples, races and nations will vanish; and the cause of union, harmony
and concord will appear. The negligent will awake, the blind will see, the deaf
will hear, the dumb will speak, the sick will be cured, the dead will arise. War
will give place to peace, enmity will be conquered by love, the causes of
dispute and wrangling will be entirely removed, and true felicity will be
attained. The world will become the mirror of the Heavenly Kingdom; humanity
will be the Throne of Divinity. All nations will become one; all religions will
be unified; all individual men will become of one family and of one kindred. All
the regions of the earth will become one; the superstitions caused by races,
countries, individuals, languages and politics will disappear; and all men will
attain to life eternal, under the shadow of the Lord of Hosts.
Now we must prove from the Holy Books that these two Manifestations
have come, and we must divine the meaning of the words of the Prophets, for we
wish for proofs drawn from the Holy Books.
A few days ago, at table, we
put forth rational proofs establishing the truth of these two
To conclude: in the Book of Daniel, from the rebuilding
of Jerusalem to the martyrdom of Christ, seventy weeks are appointed; for by the
martyrdom of Christ the sacrifice is accomplished and the altar destroyed.(1) This is
a prophecy of the manifestation of Christ. These seventy weeks begin with the
restoration and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, concerning which four edicts were
issued by three kings.
The first was issued by Cyrus in the year 536
B.C.; this is recorded in the first chapter of the Book of Ezra. The second
edict, with reference to the rebuilding of Jerusalem, is that of Darius of
Persia in the year 519 B.C.; this is recorded in the sixth chapter of Ezra. The
third is that of Artaxerxes in the seventh year of his reign--that is, in 457
B.C.; this is recorded in the seventh chapter of Ezra. The fourth is that of
Artaxerxes in the year 444 B.C.; this is recorded in the second chapter of
But Daniel refers especially to the third edict which was
issued in the year 457 B.C. Seventy weeks make four hundred and ninety days.
Each day, according to the text of the Holy Book, is a year. For in the Bible it
is said: "The day of the Lord is one year."(2) Therefore, four hundred and
ninety days are four hundred and ninety years. The third edict of Artaxerxes was
issued four hundred and fifty-seven years before the birth of Christ, and Christ
when He was martyred and ascended was thirty-three years of age. When you add
thirty-three to four hundred
1. See Dan.
2. Cf. Num. 14:34.
and fifty-seven, the result is four hundred and ninety, which is the
time announced by Daniel for the manifestation of Christ.
But in the
twenty-fifth verse of the ninth chapter of the Book of Daniel this is expressed
in another manner, as seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; and apparently this
differs from the first saying. Many have remained perplexed at these
differences, trying to reconcile these two statements. How can seventy weeks be
right in one place, and sixty-two weeks and seven weeks in another? These two
sayings do not accord.
But Daniel mentions two dates. One of these dates
begins with the command of Artaxerxes to Ezra to rebuild Jerusalem: this is the
seventy weeks which came to an end with the ascension of Christ, when by His
martyrdom the sacrifice and oblation ceased.
The second period, which is
found in the twenty-sixth verse, means that after the termination of the
rebuilding of Jerusalem until the ascension of Christ, there will be sixty-two
weeks: the seven weeks are the duration of the rebuilding of Jerusalem, which
took forty-nine years. When you add these seven weeks to the sixty-two weeks, it
makes sixty-nine weeks, and in the last week (69-70) the ascension of Christ
took place. These seventy weeks are thus completed, and there is no
Now that the manifestation of Christ has been proved by
the prophecies of Daniel, let us prove the manifestations of Bahá'u'lláh and of
the Báb. Up to the present we have only mentioned rational proofs; now we shall
speak of traditional proofs.
In the eighth chapter of the Book of Daniel,
verse thirteen, it is said: "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint
said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision
concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give
both the sanctuary
and the host to be trodden under foot?" Then he answered (v. 14 ):
"Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be
cleansed"; (v. 17 ) "But he said unto me ... at the time of the end shall be the
vision." That is to say, how long will this misfortune, this ruin, this
abasement and degradation last? meaning, when will be the dawn of the
Manifestation? Then he answered, "Two thousand and three hundred days; then
shall the sanctuary be cleansed." Briefly, the purport of this passage is that
he appoints two thousand three hundred years, for in the text of the Bible each
day is a year. Then from the date of the issuing of the edict of Artaxerxes to
rebuild Jerusalem until the day of the birth of Christ there are 456 years, and
from the birth of Christ until the day of the manifestation of the Báb there are
1844 years. When you add 456 years to this number it makes 2300 years. That is
to say, the fulfillment of the vision of Daniel took place in the year A.D.
1844, and this is the year of the Báb's manifestation according to the actual
text of the Book of Daniel. Consider how clearly he determines the year of
manifestation; there could be no clearer prophecy for a manifestation than
In Matthew, chapter 24, verse 3 , Christ clearly says that what
Daniel meant by this prophecy was the date of the manifestation, and this is the
verse: "As He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him
privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the
sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?" One of the explanations He
gave them in reply was this (v. 15): "When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy
place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)." In this answer He referred them to
the eighth chapter of the Book of Daniel, saying that everyone who reads it will
understand that it is this time that is spoken of. Consider how clearly the
manifestation of the Báb is spoken
of in the Old Testament and in the Gospel.
To conclude, let
us now explain the date of the manifestation of Bahá'u'lláh from the Bible. The
date of Bahá'u'lláh is calculated according to lunar years from the mission and
the Hejira of Muhammad; for in the religion of Muhammad the lunar year is in
use, as also it is the lunar year which is employed concerning all commands of
In Daniel, chapter 12, verse 6, it is said: "And one said to the
man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it
be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was
upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand
unto heaven, and sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time,
times, and a half; and that when He shall have accomplished to scatter the power
of the holy people, all these things shall be finished."(1)
As I have already explained the
signification of one day, it is not necessary to explain it further; but we will
say briefly that each day of the Father counts as a year, and in each year there
are twelve months. Thus three years and a half make forty-two months, and
forty-two months are twelve hundred and sixty days. The Báb, the precursor of
Bahá'u'lláh, appeared in the year 1260 from the Hejira of Muhammad, by the
reckoning of Islám.
Afterward, in verse 11, it is said: "And from the
time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolation be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety
days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and
five and thirty days."(2)
The beginning of this
lunar reckoning is from the day of the proclamation of the prophethood of
Muhammad in the
1. Cf. Dan.
2. The reference appears in verses 11 and
country of Hijáz; and that was three years after His mission,
because in the beginning the prophethood of Muhammad was kept secret, and no one
knew it save Khadíjah and Ibn Nawfal.(1) After three years it was
announced. And Bahá'u'lláh, in the year 1290 from the proclamation of the
mission of Muhammad, caused His manifestation to be known.(2)
Varaqat-Ibn-Nawfal, Khadíjah's cousin.
2. The year 1290 from the proclamation
of the mission of Muhammad was the year 1280 of the Hejira, or 1863-64 of our
era. It was at this epoch (April 1863) that Bahá'u'lláh, on leaving Baghdád for
Constantinople, declared to those who surrounded Him that He was the
Manifestation announced by the Báb. It is this declaration which the Bahá'ís
celebrate by the Feast of Ridván, this name being that of the garden at the
entrance of the city, where Bahá'u'lláh stayed during twelve days, and where He
made the declaration.
In the beginning of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John it is
"And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel
stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that
worship therein.
"But the court which is without the temple leave out,
and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall
they tread under foot forty and two months."
This reed is a Perfect Man
Who is likened to a reed, and the manner of its likeness is this: when the
interior of a reed is empty and free from all matter, it will produce beautiful
melodies; and as the sound and melodies do not come from the reed, but from the
flute player who blows upon it, so the sanctified heart of that blessed Being is
free and emptied from all save God, pure and exempt from the attachments of all
human conditions, and is the companion of the Divine Spirit. Whatever He utters
is not from Himself, but from the real flute player, and it is a divine
inspiration. That is why He is likened to a reed; and that reed is like a
rod--that is to say, it is the helper of every impotent one, and the support of
human beings. It is the rod of the Divine Shepherd by which He guards His flock
and leads them about the pastures of the Kingdom.
Then it is said: "The
angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and
them that
worship therein"--that is to say, compare and measure: measuring is
the discovery of proportion. Thus the angel said: compare the temple of God and
the altar and them that are praying therein--that is to say, investigate what is
their true condition and discover in what degree and state they are, and what
conditions, perfections, behavior and attributes they possess; and make yourself
cognizant of the mysteries of those holy souls who dwell in the Holy of Holies
in purity and sanctity.
"But the court which is without the temple leave
out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles."
In the
beginning of the seventh century after Christ, when Jerusalem was conquered, the
Holy of Holies was outwardly preserved--that is to say, the house which Solomon
built; but outside the Holy of Holies the outer court was taken and given to the
Gentiles. "And the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two
months"--that is to say, the Gentiles shall govern and control Jerusalem forty
and two months, signifying twelve hundred and sixty days; and as each day
signifies a year, by this reckoning it becomes twelve hundred and sixty years,
which is the duration of the cycle of the Qur'án. For in the texts of the Holy
Book, each day is a year; as it is said in the fourth chapter of Ezekiel, verse
6: "Thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have
appointed thee each day for a year."
This prophesies the duration of the
Dispensation of Islám when Jerusalem was trodden under foot, which means that it
lost its glory--but the Holy of Holies was preserved, guarded and
respected--until the year 1260. This twelve hundred and sixty years is a
prophecy of the manifestation of the Báb, the "Gate" of Bahá'u'lláh, which took
place in the year 1260 of the Hejira of Muhammad, and as the period of twelve
hundred and sixty years has expired, Jerusalem, the Holy City, is now beginning
to become prosperous, populous and flourishing. Anyone
who saw Jerusalem sixty years ago, and who sees it now, will
recognize how populous and flourishing it has become, and how it is again
This is the outward meaning of these verses of the Revelation of
St. John; but they have another explanation and a symbolic sense, which is as
follows: the Law of God is divided into two parts. One is the fundamental basis
which comprises all spiritual things--that is to say, it refers to the spiritual
virtues and divine qualities; this does not change nor alter: it is the Holy of
Holies, which is the essence of the Law of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christ,
Muhammad, the Báb, and Bahá'u'lláh, and which lasts and is established in all
the prophetic cycles. It will never be abrogated, for it is spiritual and not
material truth; it is faith, knowledge, certitude, justice, piety,
righteousness, trustworthiness, love of God, benevolence, purity, detachment,
humility, meekness, patience and constancy. It shows mercy to the poor, defends
the oppressed, gives to the wretched and uplifts the fallen.
These divine
qualities, these eternal commandments, will never be abolished; nay, they will
last and remain established for ever and ever. These virtues of humanity will be
renewed in each of the different cycles; for at the end of every cycle the
spiritual Law of God--that is to say, the human virtues--disappears, and only
the form subsists.
Thus among the Jews, at the end of the cycle of Moses,
which coincides with the Christian manifestation, the Law of God disappeared,
only a form without spirit remaining. The Holy of Holies departed from among
them, but the outer court of Jerusalem--which is the expression used for the
form of the religion--fell into the hands of the Gentiles. In the same way, the
fundamental principles of the religion of Christ, which are the greatest virtues
of humanity, have disappeared; and its form has remained in the hands of the
clergy and the priests. Likewise, the foundation of the religion of Muhammad has
but its form remains in the hands of the official
These foundations of the Religion of God, which are spiritual and
which are the virtues of humanity, cannot be abrogated; they are irremovable and
eternal, and are renewed in the cycle of every Prophet.
The second part
of the Religion of God, which refers to the material world, and which comprises
fasting, prayer, forms of worship, marriage and divorce, the abolition of
slavery, legal processes, transactions, indemnities for murder, violence, theft
and injuries--this part of the Law of God, which refers to material things, is
modified and altered in each prophetic cycle in accordance with the necessities
of the times.
Briefly, what is meant by the term Holy of Holies is that
spiritual Law which will never be modified, altered or abrogated; and the Holy
City means the material Law which may be abrogated; and this material Law, which
is described as the Holy City, was to be trodden under foot for twelve hundred
and sixty years.
"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they
shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in
sackcloth."(1) These two witnesses are Muhammad the Messenger
of God, and `Alí, son of Abú Tálib.
In the Qur'án it is said that God
addressed Muhammad, the Messenger of God, saying: "We made You a Witness, a
Herald of good news, and a Warner"--that is to say, We have established Thee as
the witness, the giver of good tidings, and as One bringing the wrath of
God.(2) The meaning of "a witness" is one by whose
testimony things may be verified. The commands of these two witnesses were to be
performed for twelve hundred and sixty days, each day signifying a year. Now,
Muhammad was the
1. Rev.
2. This sentence is the Persian translation of the Arabic text of the
Qur'án which has been quoted.
root, and `Alí the branch, like Moses and Joshua. It is said they
"are clothed in sackcloth," meaning that they, apparently, were to be clothed in
old raiment, not in new raiment; in other words, in the beginning they would
possess no splendor in the eyes of the people, nor would their Cause appear new;
for Muhammad's spiritual Law corresponds to that of Christ in the Gospel, and
most of His laws relating to material things correspond to those of the
Pentateuch. This is the meaning of the old raiment.
Then it is said:
"These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God
of the earth."(1) These two souls are likened
to olive trees because at that time all lamps were lighted by olive oil. The
meaning is two persons from whom that spirit of the wisdom of God, which is the
cause of the illumination of the world, appears. These lights of God were to
radiate and shine; therefore, they are likened to two candlesticks: the
candlestick is the abode of the light, and from it the light shines forth. In
the same way the light of guidance would shine and radiate from these illumined
Then it is said: "They are standing before God," meaning that they
are standing in the service of God, and educating the creatures of God, such as
the barbarous nomad Arab tribes of the Arabian peninsula, whom they educated in
such a way that in those days they reached the highest degree of civilization,
and their fame and renown became worldwide.
"And if any man would hurt
them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies."(2) That is
to say, that no one would be able to withstand them, that if a person wished to
belittle their teachings and their law, he would be surrounded and exterminated
by this same law which proceedeth out of their mouth; and everyone who attempted
to injure, to antagonize and to hate them would
1. Rev.
2. Cf. Rev. 11:5.
be destroyed by a command which would come out of their mouth. And
thus it happened: all their enemies were vanquished, put to flight and
annihilated. In this most evident way God assisted them.
Afterward it is
said: "These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their
prophecy,"(1) meaning that in that cycle
they would be like kings. The law and teachings of Muhammad, and the
explanations and commentaries of `Alí, are a heavenly bounty; if they wish to
give this bounty, they have power to do so. If they do not wish it, the rain
will not fall: in this connection rain stands for bounty.
Then it is
said: "They have power over water to turn it to blood,"(2) meaning that the prophethood
of Muhammad was the same as that of Moses, and that the power of `Alí was the
same as that of Joshua: if they wished, they could turn the water of the Nile
into blood, so far as the Egyptians and those who denied them were
concerned--that is to say, that that which was the cause of their life, through
their ignorance and pride, became the cause of their death. So the kingdom,
wealth and power of Pharaoh and his people, which were the causes of the life of
the nation, became, through their opposition, denial and pride, the cause of
death, destruction, dispersion, degradation and poverty. Hence these two
witnesses have power to destroy the nations.
Then it is said: "And smite
the earth with all plagues, as often as they will,"(2) meaning that they also would
have the power and the material force necessary to educate the wicked and those
who are oppressors and tyrants, for to these two witnesses God granted both
outward and inward power, that they might educate and correct the ferocious,
bloodthirsty, tyrannical nomad Arabs, who were like beasts of prey.
1. Rev.
2. Cf. Rev. 11:6.
"And when they shall have finished their testimony"(1) means
when they should have performed that which they are commanded, and should have
delivered the divine message, promoting the Law of God and propagating the
heavenly teachings, to the intent that the signs of spiritual life might be
manifest in souls, and the light of the virtues of the world of humanity might
shine forth, until complete development should be brought about among the nomad
"The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall war
against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them":(2) this
beast means the Umayyads who attacked them from the pit of error, and who rose
against the religion of Muhammad and against the reality of `Alí--in other
words, the love of God.
It is said, "The beast made war against these two
witnesses"2--that is to say, a spiritual war, meaning that the beast would act
in entire opposition to the teachings, customs and institutions of these two
witnesses, to such an extent that the virtues and perfections which were
diffused by the power of those two witnesses among the peoples and tribes would
be entirely dispelled, and the animal nature and carnal desires would conquer.
Therefore, this beast making war against them would gain the victory--meaning
that the darkness of error coming from this beast was to have ascendency over
the horizons of the world, and kill those two witnesses--in other words, that it
would destroy the spiritual life which they spread abroad in the midst of the
nation, and entirely remove the divine laws and teachings, treading under foot
the Religion of God. Nothing would thereafter remain but a lifeless body without
"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where
1. Rev.
2. Cf. Rev. 11:7.
also our Lord was crucified."(1) "Their bodies" means the
Religion of God, and "the street" means in public view. The meaning of "Sodom
and Egypt," the place "where also our Lord was crucified," is this region of
Syria, and especially Jerusalem, where the Umayyads then had their dominions;
and it was here that the Religion of God and the divine teachings first
disappeared, and a body without spirit remained. "Their bodies" represents the
Religion of God, which remained like a dead body without spirit.
they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead
bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put
in graves."(2)
As it was before
explained, in the terminology of the Holy Books three days and a half signify
three years and a half, and three years and a half are forty and two months, and
forty and two months twelve hundred and sixty days; and as each day by the text
of the Holy Book signifies one year, the meaning is that for twelve hundred and
sixty years, which is the cycle of the Qur'án, the nations, tribes and peoples
would look at their bodies--that is to say, that they would make a spectacle of
the Religion of God: though they would not act in accordance with it, still,
they would not suffer their bodies--meaning the Religion of God--to be put in
the grave. That is to say, that in appearance they would cling to the Religion
of God and not allow it to completely disappear from their midst, nor the body
of it to be entirely destroyed and annihilated. Nay, in reality they would leave
it, while outwardly preserving its name and remembrance.
Those "kindreds,
people and nations" signify those who are gathered under the shadow of the
Qur'án, not permitting the Cause and Law of God to be, in outward appearance,
entirely destroyed and annihilated--for
1. Rev.
2. Rev. 11:9.
there are prayer and fasting among them--but the fundamental
principles of the Religion of God, which are morals and conduct, with the
knowledge of divine mysteries, have disappeared; the light of the virtues of the
world of humanity, which is the result of the love and knowledge of God, is
extinguished; and the darkness of tyranny, oppression, satanic passions and
desires has become victorious. The body of the Law of God, like a corpse, has
been exposed to public view for twelve hundred and sixty days, each day being
counted as a year, and this period is the cycle of Muhammad.
The people
forfeited all that these two persons had established, which was the foundation
of the Law of God, and destroyed the virtues of the world of humanity, which are
the divine gifts and the spirit of this religion, to such a degree that
truthfulness, justice, love, union, purity, sanctity, detachment and all the
divine qualities departed from among them. In the religion only prayers and
fasting persisted; this condition lasted for twelve hundred and sixty years,
which is the duration of the cycle of the Furqán.(1) It was
as if these two persons were dead, and their bodies were remaining without
"And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and
make merry, and shall send gifts to one another, because these two prophets
tormented them that dwelt on the earth." "Those who dwelt upon the earth"(2) means
the other nations and races, such as the peoples of Europe and distant Asia,
who, when they saw that the character of Islám was entirely changed, the Law of
God forsaken-- that virtues, zeal and honor had departed from among them, and
that their qualities were changed--became happy, and rejoiced that corruption of
morals had infected the people of Islám, and that they would in consequence
1. Another name
for the Qur'án, signifying the Distinction.
2. Cf. Rev.
be overcome by other nations. So this thing has come to pass.
Witness this people which had attained the summit of power, how degraded and
downtrodden it is now.
The other nations "shall send gifts to one
another," meaning that they should help each other, for "these two prophets
tormented them that dwelt upon the earth"-- that is, they overcame the other
nations and peoples of the world and conquered them.
"And after three
days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood
upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them that saw them."(1) Three
days and a half, as we before explained, is twelve hundred and sixty years.
Those two persons whose bodies were lying spiritless are the teachings and the
law that Muhammad established and `Alí promoted, from which, however, the
reality had departed and only the form remained. The spirit came again into them
means that those foundations and teachings were again established. In other
words, the spirituality of the Religion of God had been changed into
materiality, and virtues into vices; the love of God had been changed into
hatred, enlightenment into darkness, divine qualities into satanic ones, justice
into tyranny, mercy into enmity, sincerity into hypocrisy, guidance into error,
and purity into sensuality. Then after three days and a half, which by the
terminology of the Holy Books is twelve hundred and sixty years, these divine
teachings, heavenly virtues, perfections and spiritual bounties were again
renewed by the appearance of the Báb and the devotion of Jináb-i-Quddús.(2)
The holy breezes were
diffused, the light of truth shone forth, the season of the life-giving spring
came, and the morn of guidance dawned. These two lifeless bodies again
1. Cf. Rev.
2. Hájí Mullá Muhammad-Alíy-i-Barfúrúshí, one of the chief disciples
of the Báb and one of the nineteen Letters of the
became living, and these two great ones--one the Founder and the
other the promoter--arose and were like two candlesticks, for they illumined the
world with the light of truth.
"And they heard a great voice from heaven
saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven,"(1) meaning
that from the invisible heaven they heard the voice of God, saying: You have
performed all that was proper and fitting in delivering the teachings and glad
tidings; you have given My message to the people and raised the call of God, and
have accomplished your duty. Now, like Christ, you must sacrifice your life for
the Well-Beloved, and be martyrs. And that Sun of Reality, and that Moon of
Guidance,(2) both, like Christ, set on
the horizon of the greatest martyrdom and ascended to the Kingdom of
"And their enemies beheld them,"(3) meaning that many of their
enemies, after witnessing their martyrdom, realized the sublimity of their
station and the exaltation of their virtue, and testified to their greatness and
"And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the
tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven
This earthquake
occurred in Shíráz after the martyrdom of the Báb. The city was in a turmoil,
and many people were destroyed. Great agitation also took place through
diseases, cholera, dearth, scarcity, famine and afflictions, the like of which
had never been known.
"And the remnant was affrighted and gave glory to
the God of heaven."(4)
When the earthquake
took place in Fárs, all the remnant
1. Rev.
2. The Báb and Jináb-i-Quddús.
3. Rev. 11:12.
4. Cf. Rev.
lamented and cried day and night, and were occupied in glorifying
and praying to God. They were so troubled and affrighted that they had no sleep
nor rest at night.
"The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe
cometh quickly."(1) The first woe is the appearance of the Prophet,
Muhammad, the son of `Abdu'lláh--peace be upon Him! The second woe is that of
the Báb--to Him be glory and praise! The third woe is the great day of the
manifestation of the Lord of Hosts and the radiance of the Beauty of the
Promised One. The explanation of this subject, woe, is mentioned in the
thirtieth chapter of Ezekiel, where it is said: "The word of the Lord came again
unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Howl ye,
Woe worth the day! For the day is near, even the day of the Lord is near."(2)
Therefore, it is certain that the day of
woe is the day of the Lord; for in that day woe is for the neglectful, woe is
for the sinners, woe is for the ignorant. That is why it is said, "The second
woe is past; behold the third woe cometh quickly!" This third woe is the day of
the manifestation of Bahá'u'lláh, the day of God; and it is near to the day of
the appearance of the Báb.
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the
kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and
The seventh angel is a man qualified with
heavenly attributes, who will arise with heavenly qualities and character.
Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine Manifestation will
be proclaimed and diffused. In the day of the manifestation of the Lord of
Hosts, and at the epoch of the divine cycle of the Omnipotent which is promised
and mentioned in all the books and writings of
1. Rev.
2. Ez. 30:1-3.
3. Rev. 11:15.
the Prophets--in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom
will be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be
breathed into the body of creation; the season of the divine spring will come;
the clouds of mercy will rain; the sun of reality will shine; the life-giving
breeze will blow; the world of humanity will wear a new garment; the surface of
the earth will be a sublime paradise; mankind will be educated; wars, disputes,
quarrels and malignity will disappear; and truthfulness, righteousness, peace
and the worship of God will appear; union, love and brotherhood will surround
the world; and God will rule for evermore--meaning that the Spiritual and
Everlasting Kingdom will be established. Such is the day of God. For all the
days which have come and gone were the days of Abraham, Moses and Christ, or of
the other Prophets; but this day is the day of God, for the Sun of Reality will
arise in it with the utmost warmth and splendor.
"And the four and twenty
elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and
worshipped God.
"Saying, We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, Which
art, and wast, and art to come; because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power,
and hast reigned."(1) In each cycle the guardians and holy souls have
been twelve. So Jacob had twelve sons; in the time of Moses there were twelve
heads or chiefs of the tribes; in the time of Christ there were twelve Apostles;
and in the time of Muhammad there were twelve Imáms. But in this glorious
manifestation there are twenty-four, double the number of all the others, for
the greatness of this manifestation requires it. These holy souls are in the
presence of God seated on their own thrones, meaning that they reign
These twenty-four great persons, though they are seated on the
thrones of everlasting rule, yet are worshipers
1. Rev.
of the appearance of the universal Manifestation, and they are
humble and submissive, saying, "We give thanks to Thee, O Lord God Almighty,
Which art, and wast, and art to come, because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great
power and hast reigned"--that is to say, Thou wilt issue all Thy teachings, Thou
wilt gather all the people of the earth under Thy shadow, and Thou wilt bring
all men under the shadow of one tent. Although it is the Eternal Kingdom of God,
and He always had, and has, a Kingdom, the Kingdom here means the manifestation
of Himself;(1) and He will issue all the
laws and teachings which are the spirit of the world of humanity and everlasting
life. And that universal Manifestation will subdue the world by spiritual power,
not by war and combat; He will do it with peace and tranquillity, not by the
sword and arms; He will establish this Heavenly Kingdom by true love, and not by
the power of war. He will promote these divine teachings by kindness and
righteousness, and not by weapons and harshness. He will so educate the nations
and people that, notwithstanding their various conditions, their different
customs and characters, and their diverse religions and races, they will, as it
is said in the Bible, like the wolf and the lamb, the leopard, the kid, the
sucking child and the serpent, become comrades, friends and companions. The
contentions of races, the differences of religions, and the barriers between
nations will be completely removed, and all will attain perfect union and
reconciliation under the shadow of the Blessed Tree.
"And the nations
were angry," for Thy teachings opposed the passions of the other peoples; "and
Thy wrath is come"2--that is to say, all will be afflicted by evident loss;
because they do not follow Thy precepts, counsels and teachings, they will be
deprived of Thy everlasting bounty, and veiled from the light of the Sun of
1. i.e., His most
complete manifestation.
2. Rev. 11:18.
"And the time of the dead, that they should be judged" means that
the time has come that the dead(1)--that is to say, those who are deprived of the
spirit of the love of God and have not a share of the sanctified eternal
life--will be judged with justice, meaning they will arise to receive that which
they deserve. He will make the reality of their secrets evident, showing what a
low degree they occupy in the world of existence, and that in reality they are
under the rule of death.
"That Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy
servants the prophets, and the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and
great"(2)--that is to say, He will distinguish the
righteous by endless bounty, making them shine on the horizon of eternal honor,
like the stars of heaven. He will assist them by endowing them with behavior and
actions which are the light of the world of humanity, the cause of guidance, and
the means of everlasting life in the Divine Kingdom.
"And shouldst
destroy them which destroy the earth"(1) means
that He will entirely deprive the neglectful; for the blindness of the blind
will be manifest, and the vision of the seers will be evident; the ignorance and
want of knowledge of the people of error will be recognized, and the knowledge
and wisdom of the people under guidance will be apparent; consequently, the
destroyers will be destroyed.
"And the temple of God was opened in
heaven"(3) means that the divine Jerusalem is found, and
the Holy of Holies has become visible. The Holy of Holies, according to the
terminology of the people of wisdom, is the essence of the Divine Law, and the
heavenly and true teachings of the Lord, which have not been changed in the
cycle of any Prophet, as it was before explained. The sanctuary of
1. Rev.
2. Cf. Rev. 11:18.
3. Rev. 11:19.
Jerusalem is likened to the reality of the Law of God, which is the
Holy of Holies; and all the laws, conventions, rites and material regulations
are the city of Jerusalem-- this is why it is called the heavenly Jerusalem.
Briefly, as in this cycle the Sun of Reality will make the light of God shine
with the utmost splendor, therefore, the essence of the teachings of God will be
realized in the world of existence, and the darkness of ignorance and want of
knowledge will be dispelled. The world will become a new world, and
enlightenment will prevail. So the Holy of Holies will appear.
"And the
temple of God was opened in heaven"(1) means also that by the
diffusion of the divine teachings, the appearance of these heavenly mysteries,
and the rising of the Sun of Reality, the doors of success and prosperity will
be opened in all directions, and the signs of goodness and heavenly benedictions
will be made plain.
"And there was seen in His temple the ark of His
Testament"(1)--that is to say, the Book of
His Testament will appear in His Jerusalem, the Epistle of the Covenant(2) will be
established, and the meaning of the Testament and of the Covenant will become
evident. The renown of God will overspread the East and West, and the
proclamation of the Cause of God will fill the world. The violators of the
Covenant will be degraded and dispersed, and the faithful cherished and
glorified, for they cling to the Book of the Testament and are firm and
steadfast in the Covenant.
"And there were lightnings, and voices, and
thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail,"(1) meaning that after the
appearance of the Book of the Testament there will be a great storm, and the
lightnings of the anger and the wrath of God will flash, the noise of the
thunder of the
1. Rev.
2. One of the works of Bahá'u'lláh, in which He expressly points to
`Abdu'l-Bahá as being the One to Whom all must turn after His
violation of the Covenant will resound, the earthquake of doubts
will take place, the hail of torments will beat upon the violators of the
Covenant, and even those who profess belief will fall into trials and
In Isaiah, chapter 11, verses 1 to 10, it is said: "And there shall come
forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of
the fear of the Lord; And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of
the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove
after the hearing of his ears: But with righteousness shall he judge the poor,
and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth
with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the
wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the
girdle of his reins. The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard
shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling
together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall
feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw
like the ox. And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the
weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of
the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
This rod out of the stem of Jesse
might be correctly applied to Christ, for Joseph was of the descendants
Jesse, the father of David; but as Christ found existence through
the Spirit of God, He called Himself the Son of God. If He had not done so, this
description would refer to Him. Besides this, the events which he indicated as
coming to pass in the days of that rod, if interpreted symbolically, were in
part fulfilled in the day of Christ, but not all; and if not interpreted, then
decidedly none of these signs happened. For example, the leopard and the lamb,
the lion and the calf, the child and the asp, are metaphors and symbols for
various nations, peoples, antagonistic sects and hostile races, who are as
opposite and inimical as the wolf and lamb. We say that by the breath of the
spirit of Christ they found concord and harmony, they were vivified, and they
associated together.
But "they shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy
mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea." These conditions did not prevail in the time of the
manifestation of Christ; for until today various and antagonistic nations exist
in the world: very few acknowledge the God of Israel, and the greater number are
without the knowledge of God. In the same way, universal peace did not come into
existence in the time of Christ--that is to say, between the antagonistic and
hostile nations there was neither peace nor concord, disputes and disagreements
did not cease, and reconciliation and sincerity did not appear. So, even at this
day, among the Christian sects and nations themselves, enmity, hatred and the
most violent hostility are met with.
But these verses apply word for word
to Bahá'u'lláh. Likewise in this marvelous cycle the earth will be transformed,
and the world of humanity arrayed in tranquillity and beauty. Disputes, quarrels
and murders will be replaced by peace, truth and concord; among the nations,
peoples, races and countries, love and amity will appear. Cooperation and union
will be established, and finally war
will be entirely suppressed. When the laws of the Most Holy Book
are enforced, contentions and disputes will find a final sentence of absolute
justice before a general tribunal of the nations and kingdoms, and the
difficulties that appear will be solved. The five continents of the world will
form but one, the numerous nations will become one, the surface of the earth
will become one land, and mankind will be a single community. The relations
between the countries--the mingling, union and friendship of the peoples and
communities--will reach to such a degree that the human race will be like one
family and kindred. The light of heavenly love will shine, and the darkness of
enmity and hatred will be dispelled from the world. Universal peace will raise
its tent in the center of the earth, and the blessed Tree of Life will grow and
spread to such an extent that it will overshadow the East and the West. Strong
and weak, rich and poor, antagonistic sects and hostile nations--which are like
the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and kid, the lion and the calf--will act
toward each other with the most complete love, friendship, justice and equity.
The world will be filled with science, with the knowledge of the reality of the
mysteries of beings, and with the knowledge of God.
Now consider, in this
great century which is the cycle of Bahá'u'lláh, what progress science and
knowledge have made, how many secrets of existence have been discovered, how
many great inventions have been brought to light and are day by day multiplying
in number. Before long, material science and learning, as well as the knowledge
of God, will make such progress and will show forth such wonders that the
beholders will be amazed. Then the mystery of this verse in Isaiah, "For the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord," will be completely
Reflect also that in the short time since Bahá'u'lláh has
appeared, people from all countries, nations and races
have entered under the shadow of this Cause. Christians, Jews,
Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus and Persians all associate together with the
greatest friendship and love, as if indeed these people had been related and
connected together, they and theirs, for a thousand years; for they are like
father and child, mother and daughter, sister and brother. This is one of the
meanings of the companionship of the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid,
and the lion and the calf.
One of the great events which is to occur in
the Day of the manifestation of that Incomparable Branch (Bahá'u'lláh) is the
hoisting of the Standard of God among all nations. By this is meant that all
nations and kindreds will be gathered together under the shadow of this Divine
Banner, which is no other than the Lordly Branch itself, and will become a
single nation. Religious and sectarian antagonism, the hostility of races and
peoples, and differences among nations, will be eliminated. All men will adhere
to one religion, will have one common faith, will be blended into one race, and
become a single people. All will dwell in one common fatherland, which is the
planet itself. Universal peace and concord will be realized between all the
nations, and that Incomparable Branch will gather together all Israel,
signifying that in this cycle Israel will be gathered in the Holy Land, and that
the Jewish people who are scattered to the East and West, South and North, will
be assembled together.
Now see: these events did not take place in the
Christian cycle, for the nations did not come under the One Standard which is
the Divine Branch. But in this cycle of the Lord of Hosts all the nations and
peoples will enter under the shadow of this Flag. In the same way, Israel,
scattered all over the world, was not reassembled in the Holy Land in the
Christian cycle; but in the beginning of the cycle of Bahá'u'lláh this divine
promise, as is clearly
stated in all the Books of the Prophets, has begun to be manifest.
You can see that from all the parts of the world tribes of Jews are coming to
the Holy Land; they live in villages and lands which they make their own, and
day by day they are increasing to such an extent that all Palestine will become
their home.
We have before explained that what is most frequently meant by the Holy City,
the Jerusalem of God, which is mentioned in the Holy Book, is the Law of God. It
is compared sometimes to a bride, and sometimes to Jerusalem, and again to the
new heaven and earth. So in chapter 21, verses 1, 2 and 3 of the Revelation of
St. John, it is said: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first
heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I
John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of
heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with
them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be
their God."
Notice how clear and evident it is that the first heaven and
earth signify the former Law. For it is said that the first heaven and earth
have passed away and there is no more sea--that is to say, that the earth is the
place of judgment, and on this earth of judgment there is no sea, meaning that
the teachings and the Law of God will entirely spread over the earth, and all
men will enter the Cause of God, and the earth will be completely inhabited by
believers; therefore, there will be no more sea, for the dwelling place and
abode of man is the dry land. In other words, at that epoch the field of that
Law will become the
pleasure-ground of man. Such earth is solid; the feet do not slip
upon it.
The Law of God is also described as the Holy City, the New
Jerusalem. It is evident that the New Jerusalem which descends from heaven is
not a city of stone, mortar, bricks, earth and wood. It is the Law of God which
descends from heaven and is called new, for it is clear that the Jerusalem which
is of stone and earth does not descend from heaven, and that it is not renewed;
but that which is renewed is the Law of God.
The Law of God is also
compared to an adorned bride who appears with most beautiful ornaments, as it
has been said in chapter 21 of the Revelation of St. John: "And I John saw the
holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a
bride adorned for her husband."(1) And in chapter 12, verse 1,
it is said: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with
the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars." This woman is that bride, the Law of God that descended upon Muhammad.
The sun with which she was clothed, and the moon which was under her feet, are
the two nations which are under the shadow of that Law, the Persian and Ottoman
kingdoms; for the emblem of Persia is the sun, and that of the Ottoman Empire is
the crescent moon. Thus the sun and moon are the emblems of two kingdoms which
are under the power of the Law of God. Afterward it is said: "upon her head is a
crown of twelve stars." These twelve stars are the twelve Imáms, who were the
promoters of the Law of Muhammad and the educators of the people, shining like
stars in the heaven of guidance.
Then it is said in the second verse:
"and she being with child cried," meaning that this Law fell into the greatest
difficulties and endured great troubles and afflictions until
1. Rev.
a perfect offspring was produced--that is, the coming
Manifestation, the Promised One, Who is the perfect offspring, and Who was
reared in the bosom of this Law, which is as its mother. The child Who is
referred to is the Báb, the Primal Point, Who was in truth born from the Law of
Muhammad--that is to say, the Holy Reality, Who is the child and outcome of the
Law of God, His mother, and Who is promised by that religion, finds a reality in
the kingdom of that Law; but because of the despotism of the dragon the child
was carried up to God. After twelve hundred and sixty days the dragon was
destroyed, and the child of the Law of God, the Promised One, became
Verses 3 and 4. "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven
crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth."(1) These signs are an allusion
to the dynasty of the Umayyads who dominated the Muhammadan religion. Seven
heads and seven crowns mean seven countries and dominions over which the
Umayyads had power: they were the Roman dominion around Damascus; and the
Persian, Arabian and Egyptian dominions, together with the dominion of
Africa--that is to say, Tunis, Morocco and Algeria; the dominion of Andalusia,
which is now Spain; and the dominion of the Turks of Transoxania. The Umayyads
had power over these countries. The ten horns mean the names of the Umayyad
rulers--that is, without repetition, there were ten names of rulers, meaning ten
names of commanders and chiefs--the first is Abú Súfyán and the last Marván--but
several of them bear the same name. So there are two Muáviyá, three Yazíd, two
Valíd, and two Marván; but if the names were counted without repetition
1. Cf. Rev.
there would be ten. The Umayyads, of whom the first was Abú Súfyán,
Amír of Mecca and chief of the dynasty of the Umayyads, and the last was Marván,
destroyed the third part of the holy and saintly people of the lineage of
Muhammad who were like the stars of heaven.
Verse 4. "And the dragon
stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour the child
as soon as it was born."(1) As we have before explained, this woman is the
Law of God. The dragon was standing near the woman to devour her child, and this
child was the promised Manifestation, the offspring of the Law of Muhammad. The
Umayyads were always waiting to get possession of the Promised One, Who was to
come from the line of Muhammad, to destroy and annihilate Him; for they much
feared the appearance of the promised Manifestation, and they sought to kill any
of Muhammad's descendants who might be highly esteemed.
Verse 5. "And she
brought forth a man child, Who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron." This
great son is the promised Manifestation Who was born of the Law of God and
reared in the bosom of the divine teachings. The iron rod is a symbol of power
and might--it is not a sword-- and means that with divine power and might He
will shepherd all the nations of the earth. This son is the Báb.
Verse 5.
"And her child was caught up unto God, and to His throne." This is a prophecy of
the Báb, Who ascended to the heavenly realm, to the Throne of God, and to the
center of His Kingdom. Consider how all this corresponds to what
Verse 6. "And the woman fled into the wilderness"-- that is to
say, the Law of God fled to the wilderness, meaning the vast desert of Hijáz,
and the Arabian Peninsula.
Verse 6. "Where she had a place prepared of
1. Cf. Rev.
2. Cf. Rev. 12:6.
The Arabian Peninsula became the abode and dwelling place, and the
center of the Law of God.
Verse 6. "That they should feed her there a
thousand two hundred and threescore days." In the terminology of the Holy Book
these twelve hundred and sixty days mean the twelve hundred and sixty years that
the Law of God was set up in the wilderness of Arabia, the great desert: from it
the Promised One has come. After twelve hundred and sixty years that Law will
have no more influence, for the fruit of that tree will have appeared, and the
result will have been produced.
Consider how the prophecies correspond to
one another. In the Apocalypse, the appearance of the Promised One is appointed
after forty-two months, and Daniel expresses it as three times and a half, which
is also forty-two months, which are twelve hundred and sixty days. In another
passage of John's Revelation it is clearly spoken of as twelve hundred and sixty
days, and in the Holy Book it is said that each day signifies one year. Nothing
could be clearer than this agreement of the prophecies with one another. The Báb
appeared in the year 1260 of the Hejira of Muhammad, which is the beginning of
the universal era-reckoning of all Islám. There are no clearer proofs than this
in the Holy Books for any Manifestation. For him who is just, the agreement of
the times indicated by the tongues of the Great Ones is the most conclusive
proof. There is no other possible explanation of these prophecies. Blessed are
the just souls who seek the truth. But failing justice, the people attack,
dispute and openly deny the evidence, like the Pharisees who, at the
manifestation of Christ, denied with the greatest obstinacy the explanations of
Christ and of His disciples. They obscured Christ's Cause before the ignorant
people, saying, "These prophecies are not of Jesus, but of the Promised One Who
shall come later, according to the conditions mentioned in the Bible." Some of
these conditions were that He must
have a kingdom, be seated on the throne of David, enforce the Law
of the Bible, and manifest such justice that the wolf and the lamb shall gather
at the same spring.
And thus they prevented the people from knowing
Note.--In these last conversations `Abdu'l-Bahá wishes to
reconcile in a new interpretation the apocalyptic prophecies of the Jews, the
Christians and the Muslims, rather than to show their supernatural character. On
the powers of the Prophets, cf. "The Knowledge of the Divine Manifestations," p.
157; and "Visions and Communication with Spirits," p. 251.
In this material world time has cycles; places change through alternating
seasons, and for souls there are progress, retrogression and
At one time it is the season of spring; at another it is the
season of autumn; and again it is the season of summer or the season of
In the spring there are the clouds which send down the precious
rain, the musk-scented breezes and life-giving zephyrs; the air is perfectly
temperate, the rain falls, the sun shines, the fecundating wind wafts the
clouds, the world is renewed, and the breath of life appears in plants, in
animals and in men. Earthly beings pass from one condition to another. All
things are clothed in new garments, and the black earth is covered with herbage;
mountains and plains are adorned with verdure; trees bear leaves and blossoms;
gardens bring forth flowers and fragrant herbs. The world becomes another world,
and it attains to a life-giving spirit. The earth was a lifeless body; it finds
a new spirit, and produces endless beauty, grace and freshness. Thus the spring
is the cause of new life and infuses a new spirit.
Afterward comes the
summer, when the heat increases, and growth and development attain their
greatest power. The energy of life in the vegetable kingdom reaches to the
degree of perfection, the fruit appears, and the time of harvest ripens; a seed
has become a sheaf, and the food is stored for winter. Afterward comes
tumultuous autumn when unwholesome and sterile winds blow; it is the
of sickness, when all things are withered, and the balmy air is
vitiated. The breezes of spring are changed to autumn winds; the fertile green
trees have become withered and bare; flowers and fragrant herbs fade away; the
beautiful garden becomes a dustheap. Following this comes the season of winter,
with cold and tempests. It snows, rains, hails, storms, thunders and lightens,
freezes and congeals; all plants die, and animals languish and are
When this state is reached, again a new life-giving spring
returns, and the cycle is renewed. The season of spring with its hosts of
freshness and beauty spreads its tent on the plains and mountains with great
pomp and magnificence. A second time the form of the creatures is renewed, and
the creation of beings begins afresh; bodies grow and develop, the plains and
wildernesses become green and fertile, trees bring forth blossoms, and the
spring of last year returns in the utmost fullness and glory. Such is, and such
ought to be, the cycle and succession of existence. Such is the cycle and
revolution of the material world.
It is the same with the spiritual
cycles of the Prophets--that is to say, the day of the appearance of the Holy
Manifestations is the spiritual springtime; it is the divine splendor; it is the
heavenly bounty, the breeze of life, the rising of the Sun of Reality. Spirits
are quickened; hearts are refreshed and invigorated; souls become good;
existence is set in motion; human realities are gladdened, and grow and develop
in good qualities and perfections. General progress is achieved and revival
takes place, for it is the day of resurrection, the time of excitement and
ferment, and the season of bliss, of joy and of intense
Afterward the life-giving spring ends in fruitful summer. The
word of God is exalted, the Law of God is promulgated; all things reach
perfection. The heavenly table is spread, the holy breezes perfume the East and
West, the teachings of God conquer the world, men become educated,
praiseworthy results are produced, universal progress appears in the world of
humanity, and the divine bounties surround all things. The Sun of Reality rises
from the horizon of the Kingdom with the greatest power and heat. When it
reaches the meridian, it will begin to decline and descend, and the spiritual
summer will be followed by autumn, when growth and development are arrested.
Breezes change into blighting winds, and the unwholesome season dissipates the
beauty and freshness of the gardens, plains and bowers--that is to say,
attraction and goodwill do not remain, divine qualities are changed, the
radiance of hearts is dimmed, the spirituality of souls is altered, virtues are
replaced by vices, and holiness and purity disappear. Only the name of the
Religion of God remains, and the exoteric forms of the divine teachings. The
foundations of the Religion of God are destroyed and annihilated, and nothing
but forms and customs exist. Divisions appear, firmness is changed into
instability, and spirits become dead; hearts languish, souls become inert, and
winter arrives--that is to say, the coldness of ignorance envelops the world,
and the darkness of human error prevails. After this come indifference,
disobedience, inconsiderateness, indolence, baseness, animal instincts and the
coldness and insensibility of stones. It is like the season of winter when the
terrestrial globe, deprived of the effect of the heat of the sun, becomes
desolate and dreary. When the world of intelligence and thought has reached to
this state, there remain only continual death and perpetual
When the season of winter has had its effect, again the
spiritual springtime returns, and a new cycle appears. Spiritual breezes blow,
the luminous dawn gleams, the divine clouds give rain, the rays of the Sun of
Reality shine forth, the contingent world attains unto a new life and is clad in
a wonderful garment. All the signs and the gifts of
the past springtime reappear, with perhaps even greater splendor in
this new season.
The spiritual cycles of the Sun of Reality are like the
cycles of the material sun: they are always revolving and being renewed. The Sun
of Reality, like the material sun, has numerous rising and dawning places: one
day it rises from the zodiacal sign of Cancer, another day from the sign of
Libra or Aquarius; another time it is from the sign of Aries that it diffuses
its rays. But the sun is one sun and one reality; the people of knowledge are
lovers of the sun, and are not fascinated by the places of its rising and
dawning. The people of perception are the seekers of the truth, and not of the
places of its appearance, nor of its dawning points; therefore, they will adore
the Sun from whatever point in the zodiac it may appear, and they will seek the
Reality in every Sanctified Soul Who manifests it. Such people always attain to
the truth and are not veiled from the Sun of the Divine World. So the lover of
the sun and the seeker of the light will always turn toward the sun, whether it
shines from the sign of Aries or gives its bounty from the sign of Cancer, or
radiates from Gemini; but the ignorant and uninstructed are lovers of the signs
of the zodiac, and enamored and fascinated by the rising-places, and not by the
sun. When it was in the sign of Cancer, they turned toward it, though afterward
the sun changed to the sign of Libra; as they were lovers of the sign, they
turned toward it and attached themselves to it, and were deprived of the
influences of the sun merely because it had changed its place. For example, once
the Sun of Reality poured forth its rays from the sign of Abraham, and then it
dawned from the sign of Moses and illuminated the horizon. Afterward it rose
with the greatest power and brilliancy from the sign of Christ. Those who were
the seekers of Reality worshiped that Reality wherever they saw it, but those
who were attached to Abraham were deprived of its influences when it shone upon
Sinai and illuminated
the reality of Moses. Those who held fast to Moses, when the Sun of
Reality shone from Christ with the utmost radiance and lordly splendor, were
also veiled; and so forth.
Therefore, man must be the seeker after the
Reality, and he will find that Reality in each of the Sanctified Souls. He must
be fascinated and enraptured, and attracted to the divine bounty; he must be
like the butterfly who is the lover of the light from whatever lamp it may
shine, and like the nightingale who is the lover of the rose in whatever garden
it may grow.
If the sun were to rise in the West, it would still be the
sun; one must not withdraw from it on account of its rising-place, nor consider
the West to be always the place of sunset. In the same way, one must look for
the heavenly bounties and seek for the Divine Aurora. In every place where it
appears, one must become its distracted lover. Consider that if the Jews had not
kept turning to the horizon of Moses, and had only regarded the Sun of Reality,
without any doubt they would have recognized the Sun in the dawning-place of the
reality of Christ, in the greatest divine splendor. But, alas! a thousand times
alas! attaching themselves to the outward words of Moses, they were deprived of
the divine bounties and the lordly splendors!
The honor and exaltation of every existing being depends upon causes and
The excellency, the adornment and the perfection of the
earth is to be verdant and fertile through the bounty of the clouds of
springtime. Plants grow; flowers and fragrant herbs spring up; fruit-bearing
trees become full of blossoms and bring forth fresh and new fruit. Gardens
become beautiful, and meadows adorned; mountains and plains are clad in a green
robe, and gardens, fields, villages and cities are decorated. This is the
prosperity of the mineral world.
The height of exaltation and the
perfection of the vegetable world is that a tree should grow on the bank of a
stream of fresh water, that a gentle breeze should blow on it, that the warmth
of the sun should shine on it, that a gardener should attend to its cultivation,
and that day by day it should develop and yield fruit. But its real prosperity
is to progress into the animal and human world, and replace that which has been
exhausted in the bodies of animals and men.
The exaltation of the animal
world is to possess perfect members, organs and powers, and to have all its
needs supplied. This is its chief glory, its honor and exaltation. So the
supreme happiness of an animal is to have possession of a green and fertile
meadow, perfectly pure flowing water, and a lovely, verdant forest. If these
things are provided for it, no greater prosperity can be imagined. For example,
if a bird builds its nest in a green and fruitful forest,
in a beautiful high place, upon a strong tree, and at the top of a
lofty branch, and if it finds all it needs of seeds and water, this is its
perfect prosperity.
But real prosperity for the animal consists in
passing from the animal world to the human world, like the microscopic beings
that, through the water and air, enter into man and are assimilated, and replace
that which has been consumed in his body. This is the great honor and prosperity
for the animal world; no greater honor can be conceived for
Therefore, it is evident and clear that this wealth, this comfort and
this material abundance form the complete prosperity of minerals, vegetables and
animals. No riches, wealth, comfort or ease of the material world is equal to
the wealth of a bird; all the areas of these plains and mountains are its
dwelling, and all the seeds and harvests are its food and wealth, and all the
lands, villages, meadows, pastures, forests and wildernesses are its
possessions. Now, which is the richer, this bird, or the most wealthy man? for
no matter how many seeds it may take or bestow, its wealth does not
Then it is clear that the honor and exaltation of man must be
something more than material riches. Material comforts are only a branch, but
the root of the exaltation of man is the good attributes and virtues which are
the adornments of his reality. These are the divine appearances, the heavenly
bounties, the sublime emotions, the love and knowledge of God; universal wisdom,
intellectual perception, scientific discoveries, justice, equity, truthfulness,
benevolence, natural courage and innate fortitude; the respect for rights and
the keeping of agreements and covenants; rectitude in all circumstances; serving
the truth under all conditions; the sacrifice of one's life for the good of all
people; kindness and esteem for all nations; obedience to the teachings of God;
service in the Divine Kingdom; the guidance of the people, and the
of the nations and races. This is the prosperity of the human
world! This is the exaltation of man in the world! This is eternal life and
heavenly honor!
These virtues do not appear from the reality of man
except through the power of God and the divine teachings, for they need
supernatural power for their manifestation. It may be that in the world of
nature a trace of these perfections may appear, but they are unstable and
ephemeral; they are like the rays of the sun upon the wall.
As the
compassionate God has placed such a wonderful crown upon the head of man, man
should strive that its brilliant jewels may become visible in the