Ridván 2011:
Dearly loved Friends,
1 At the opening of this glorious season our eyes are
brightened as we behold the newly unveiled brilliance of the gilded dome that
crowns the exalted Shrine of the Báb. Restored to the
supernal lustre intended for it by Shoghi Effendi, that august edifice once again shines out
to land, sea, and sky, by day and by night, attesting the majesty and holiness
of Him Whose hallowed remains are embosomed within.
2 This moment of joy synchronizes with the close of an
auspicious chapter in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. Only a single decade
remains of the first century of the Formative Age, the first hundred years to
be spent beneath the benevolent shade of the Will and Testament of eAbdufl-Bahá. The Five Year Plan now ending is succeeded by
another, the features of which have already been made the object of intense
study across the Baháfí world. Indeed, we could not
be more gratified by the response to our message to the Conference of the
Continental Boards of Counsellors and to the Riḍván message of twelve
months ago. Not satisfied with a fragmentary grasp of their contents, the
friends are returning to these messages again and again, singly and in groups,
at formal meetings and spontaneous gatherings. Their understanding is enriched
through active and informed participation in the programmes
of growth being nurtured in their clusters. Consequently, the Baháfí community worldwide has consciously absorbed in a
few months what it needs to propel it into a confident start to the coming
3 Over the same period, cumulative instances of political
upheaval and economic turmoil on various continents have shaken governments and
peoples. Societies have been brought to the brink of revolution, and in notable
cases over the edge. Leaders are finding that neither arms nor riches guarantee
security. Where the aspirations of the people have gone unfulfilled, a store of
indignation has accrued. We recall how pointedly Baháfuflláh
admonished the rulers of the earth: "Your people are your treasures.
Beware lest your rule violate the commandments of God, and ye deliver your
wards to the hands of the robber." A word of caution: No matter how
captivating the spectacle of the people's fervour for
change, it must be remembered that there are interests which manipulate the
course of events. And, so long as the remedy prescribed by the Divine Physician
is not administered, the tribulations of this age will persist and deepen. An
attentive observer of the times will readily recognize the accelerated
disintegration, fitful but relentless, of a world order lamentably defective.
4 Yet, discernible too is its counterpart, the
constructive process that the Guardian associated with "the nascent Faith
of Baháfuflláh" and described as "the
harbinger of the New World Order that Faith must erelong establish." Its
indirect effects can be seen in the outpouring of feeling, especially from the
young, that springs from a longing to contribute to societal development. It is
a bounty accorded to the followers of the Ancient Beauty that this longing,
which wells up inexorably from the human spirit in every land, is able to find
such eloquent expression in the work the Baháfí
community is carrying out to build capacity for effective action amongst the
diverse populations of the planet. Can any privilege compare with this?
5 For insight into this work let every believer look to eAbdufl-Bahá, the centenary of Whose "epoch-making
journeys" to Egypt and the West is being marked at this time. Tirelessly,
He expounded the teachings in every social space: in homes and mission halls,
churches and synagogues, parks and public squares, railway carriages and ocean
liners, clubs and societies, schools and universities. Uncompromising in defence of the truth, yet infinitely gentle in manner, He
brought the universal divine principles to bear on the exigencies of the age.
To all without distinction — officials, scientists, workers, children, parents,
exiles, activists, clerics, sceptics — He imparted love, wisdom, comfort,
whatever the particular need. While elevating their souls, He challenged their
assumptions, reoriented their perspectives, expanded their consciousness, and
focused their energies. He demonstrated by word and deed such compassion and
generosity that hearts were utterly transformed. No one was turned away. Our
great hope is that frequent recollection, during this centennial period, of the
Master's matchless record will inspire and fortify His sincere admirers. Set
His example before your eyes and fix your gaze upon it; let it be your
instinctive guide in your pursuit of the aim of the Plan.
6 At the inception of the Baháfí
community's first global Plan, Shoghi Effendi
described in compelling language the successive stages by which the divine
light had been kindled in the Síyáh-Chál, clothed in
the lamp of revelation in Baghdád, spread to
countries in Asia and Africa even as it shone with added brilliancy in
Adrianople and later in eAkká, projected across the
seas to the remaining continents, and by which it would be progressively
diffused over the states and dependencies of the world. The final part of this
process he characterized as the "penetration of that light ... into all
the remaining territories of the globe", referring to it as "the
stage at which the light of God's triumphant Faith shining in all its power and
glory will have suffused and enveloped the entire planet." Though that
goal is far from being fulfilled, the light already blazes intensely in many a
region. In some countries it shines in every cluster. In the land where that
inextinguishable light was first ignited, it burns bright despite those who
would snuff it out. In diverse nations it achieves a steady glow across whole neighbourhoods and villages, as candle after candle in
heart after heart is lighted by the Hand of Providence; it illuminates
thoughtful conversation at every level of human interaction; it casts its beams
upon a myriad initiatives taken to promote the well-being of a people. And in
every instance it radiates from a faithful believer, a vibrant community, a
loving Spiritual Assembly—each a beacon of light against the gloom.
7 We pray earnestly at the Sacred Threshold that each one
of you, bearers of the undying flame, may be surrounded by the potent
confirmations of Baháfuflláh as you convey to others
the spark of faith.