第一章       師の純粋な心




When a reporter of the New York Globe visited ‘Abdu’l- Baha in Haifa, He gave her this message: ‘Tell my followers that they have no enemies to fear, no foes to hate. Man’s only enemy is himself.’6





Abdu’l-Baha had this to say of selfishness: ‘Self-love is a strange trait and the means of the destruction of many important souls in the world. If man be imbued with all good qualities but be selfish, all the other virtues will fade or pass away and eventually he will grow worse. ’7






The first person singular seldom crept into the Master’s speech. He once told a group of New York friends that in the future the words ‘I’ and ‘Me’ and ‘Mine’ would be regarded as profane.8

Lua Getsinger reported that one day she and Georgie Ralston were driving with the Master. He closed His eyes and apparently fell asleep. Lua and Georgie talked on, probably about their own concerns, for suddenly the Master’s eyes sprang open and He laughed. ‘I, me, my, mine: words of the Devil!’ He said.9










In 1914 The Christian Commonwealth carried words of praise for ‘Abdu’l-Baha: ‘It is wonderful to see the venerable figure of the revered Baha’i leader passing through the narrow streets of this ancient town [Akka], where he lived for forty years as a political prisoner, and to note the deep respect with which he is saluted by the Turkish officials and the officers of the garrison from the Governor downward, who visit him constantly and listen with the deepest attention to his words. “The Master” does not teach in Syria as he did in the West,* but he goes about doing good, and Mohammedans and Christians alike share his benefactions. From sunrise often till midnight he works, in spite of broken health, never sparing himself if there is a wrong to be righted or a suffering to be relieved. To Christians who regard Abdu’l-Baha with impartial and sympathetic eyes, this wonderful selfless life cannot fail to recall that life whose tragic termination on Calvary the whole Christian world recalls . . .’IO


* Baha’u’llah had promised the Turkish Government that the Baha’is would not teach the people of Palestine. The Master respected that promise. They taught only by! example."







Only the Master, knowing the station bestowed upon Him by Baha’u’llah, could say, as He did:’…look at Me, follow Me, be as I am; take no thought for yourselves or your lives, whether ye eat or whether ye sleep, whether ye are comfortable, whether ye are well or ill, whether ye are with friends or foes, whether ye receive praise or blame; for all of these things ye must care not at all. Look at Me and be as I am; ye must die to yourselves and to the world, so shall ye be born again and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Behold a candle how it gives its light. It weeps its life away drop by drop in order to give forth its flame of light.’






The Master's life was centered on God, not on Himself. To do God's will, to be His servant, were His concerns. He disliked photographs of Himself, permitting them only to satisfy His friends. 'But to have a picture of oneself,' He said, ‘is to emphasize the personality, which is merely the lamp, and is quite unimportant. The light burning within the lamp has the only real significance.’14







刺抜き*: 砂漠で乾ききった低木を集めて、町まで運んで売りさばく人をThorn-picker「刺抜き」と呼んだ。わずかの収入しか得られない仕事で、他の仕事ができない、非常に貧しい人たちがしていた。


On one occasion ‘Abdu'l-Baha told about a happy day in Iraq: Once, when I lived in Baghdad, I was invited to the house of a poor thorn-picker.* In Baghdad the heat is greater even than in Syria; and it was a very hot day. But I walked twelve miles to the thorn-picker's hut. Then his wife made a little cake out of some meal for Me and burnt it in cooking it, so that it was a black, hard lump. Still that was the best reception I ever attended.’18


* Thorn picking was a very poorly paid job for people who were financially desperate and had no qualifications, no jobs. Thorn-pickers would go into the desert, pick up dried shrubs, carry them to the nearest town to sell and earn very little money.







During ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s last days in America, the Baha’is were eager to show their love and gratitude by contributions of money, but these He refused. ‘I am pleased with your services,’ He told them, ‘and I am grateful for all you have done for Me. . . . Now you have brought presents for the members of My family. They are acceptable, but the best of all presents is the love of God which remains preserved in the treasuries of hearts. Material presents remain for a time but this lasts forever. These presents require chests and shelves for safe keeping while this is preserved in the repositories of the minds and hearts and remains eternal and immortal forever in the divine worlds. I shall, therefore, convey to them your love which is the most precious of all gifts. No one uses diamond rings in our home and no one wants rubies. That house is free from all these things.

‘I, however, accept your presents but I leave them in your safe keeping with the request that you will kindly sell them and send the proceeds to the funds for the Mashriqu’l-Adhkar. ’I9






A friend had sent some fur so that the Master could have a warm coat; He had it cut up and made into twenty caps for the elderly men of the town.20






When Baha’u’llah lived at Bahji – and ‘Abdu’l-Baha at ‘Akka – the Master would visit His Father once a week. He liked to do this on foot and when asked why He did not ride to Bahji He responded by asking,’…who am I that I should ride where the Lord Christ walked? However, His Father requested Him to ride, so in order to comply the Master rode out of ‘Akka, but when He sighted Baha’u’llah’s Mansion, He dismounted. Baha’u’llah used to watch out for His approach from His second-floor window and as soon as He saw Him coming, He would joyously tell His family to go out to meet Him.






During World War I when a blockade threatened the lives of many civilians in Haifa, Abdu’l-Baha saved them from starvation. ‘He personally organized extensive agricultural operations near Tiberias, thus securing a great supply of wheat . . .’2 Food was stored in underground pits and elsewhere. This He distributed to the inhabitants, regardless of religion or nationality. The food was systematically rationed. Having started His preparations as early as 1912, He averted tragedy in the dark days of 1917 and 1918.

At war’s end the British were quick to recognize His painstaking accomplishments. He was to be knighted on 27 April 1920, at the residence of the British Governor in Haifa at a ceremony held especially for Him. British and religious dignitaries came to honour Him on this auspicious occasion. His unselfish acts had won Him the love and respect of high and low alike. Abdu’l-Baha consented to accept the knighthood - but He was not impressed with worldly honour or ceremony. Even a formality must be simplified. An elegant car was sent to bring Him to the Governor’s residence, but the chauffeur did not find the Master at His home. People scurried in every direction to find Him. Suddenly, He appeared‘. . . alone, walking His kingly walk, with that simplicity of greatness which always enfolded Him.’26

Isfandiyar, His long-time faithful servant, stood near at hand. Many were the times when he had accompanied the Master on His labours of love. Now, suddenly, with this elegant car ready to convey his Master to the Governor, he felt sad and unneeded. Intuitively, Abdu’l- Baha must have sensed this - He gave him a sign. Isfandiyar dashed off — the horse was harnessed, the carriage brought to the lower gate and the Master was driven to a side entrance of the garden of the Governor. Isfandiyar was joyous - he was needed even yet. Quietly, without pomp, ‘Abbas Effendi arrived at the right time at the right place and did honour to those who would honour Him when He was made Sir Abdu’l-Baha ‘Abbas, K.B.E. - a title which He almost never used.27







Whenever possible Abdu’l-Baha attempted to avoid unnecessary fanfare. Once, wealthy visitors from the West planned an elaborate pre-meal, hand-washing scene for Him - it included a page boy, a clean bowl with ‘crystal water’ and even a scented towel! When the Master saw the group walking across the lawn, He knew their purpose. He hurried to a small water-trough, washed as usual and then wiped His hands on the cloth of the gardener. Radiantly, He then turned to meet His guests. The preparations meant for Him He used for them.28







Abdu’l-Baha inspired the creation of a Local Spiritual Assembly in New York City. Loulie Mathews, one of those present when the friends met to form their first local institution, recalled that they had very little idea of how to proceed. Anxious to impress each other they first sat stiffly along the wall. No, a circle would be better - so they moved. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Grace Krug returned with a cablegram - from Abdu’l-Baha! It stated simply: ‘Read Matthew, Chapter 19, Verse 30.’ They needed a Bible. Finally both Bible and page were found. The message read, ‘But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.’ ‘Presto, we became as humble as mice - afraid lest that last place should be ours! Abdu’l-Baha gave us a wonderful lesson that evening! If we went away without too much knowledge of how to form an Assembly, we learned a lesson in how to become Baha’is. Bathed in the aura of humility the Assembly came into being.’30






In Philadelphia, Abdu’l-Baha spoke to the friends about the Nineteen-Day Feast, which lies at the foundation of Baha’i spiritual and community life and which is held at the start of each Baha’i month. He stressed the importance of this occasion: ‘Each one of you must think how to make happy and pleased the other members of your Assembly, and each one must consider all those who are present as better and greater than himself, and each one must consider himself less than the rest. Know their station as high, and think of your own station as low. Should you act and live according to these behests, know verily, of a certainty, that that Feast is the Heavenly Food. That Supper is the “Lord’s Supper”! I am the Servant of that gathering.’32






Mirza Abu’l-Fadl was an outstanding Baha’i scholar. Early in this century the Master sent him to the United States of America both to teach and to help the believers to deepen. ‘After his return, he and a number of American pilgrims were seated in the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha in Akka. The pilgrims began to praise Mirza Abu’l-Fadl for the help he had given them, saying that he had taught many souls, defended the Cause most ably against its adversaries, and had helped to build a strong and dedicated Baha’i community in America. As they continued to pour lavish praise upon him, Mirza Abu’l-Fadl became increasingly depressed and dejected, until he burst into tears and wept loudly. The believers were surprised and could not understand this, even thinking that they had not praised him enough!

‘Then ‘Abdu’l-Baha explained that by praising him they had bitterly hurt him, for he considered himself as utter nothingness in the Cause and believed with absolute sincerity that he was not worthy of any mention or praise.’34








Baha’i poets and people of letters in Persia used to write poems in praise and glorification of ‘Abdu’l-Baha.

But the resident Baha’is in ‘Akka were very careful not to breathe a word about His glorious station. They knew He had often advised the poets that instead of singing His praise they ought to exalt His station of servitude and utter self-effacement.

One day a laudatory letter arrived addressed to ‘Abdu’l-Baha, composed in verse. Yunis Khan, who was serving the Master, handed the poem to ‘Abdu’l-Baha as He was coming down the steps of the house in front of the sea. It appeared the right moment to give it to Him. He had hardly read one or two lines when He suddenly turned His face towards Yunis Khan and with the utmost sadness and a deep sense of grief said: ‘Now even you hand me letters such as this! Don’t you know the measure of pain and sorrow which overtakes Me when I hear people addressing Me with such exalted titles? Even you have not recognized Me! ... I consider Myself lowlier than each and every one of the loved ones of the Blessed Beauty.’

Abdu’l-Baha spoke angrily in this vein with such vigour that the heart of Yunis Khan almost stopped. His whole body became numb. He wished the earth would open and swallow him up so that he might never again see ‘Abdu’l-Baha so grief-stricken. Only when the Master resumed His walking down the stairs was he jolted by the sound of His shoes. He quickly followed the Master and heard Him say, ‘I told the Covenant- breakers that the more they hurt Me, the more will the believers exalt My station to the point of exaggeration

He was very perturbed that he had brought such grief upon the Master and did not know what to do. Then he heard the Master say, ‘This is in no way the fault of the friends. They say these things because of their steadfastness, their love and devotion . . .’ Then He said to Yunis Khan, ‘You are very dear to Me . . .’ Yunis Khan realized that it was always the Master’s way never ever to allow a soul to be hurt. He received comfort and encouragement. His anguish was gone. He was filled with such an indescribable joy and ecstasy that he wished the doors of heaven would open and he could ascend to the Kingdom on high.35





One of the last pilgrims to visit ‘Abdu’l-Baha in the Holy Land in 1921 was Anna Kunz, the daughter of a Swiss theologian who lived in Zurich in Switzerland. She later recalled, ‘As I think of him now, I always love to think, first, of his great simplicity, his marvelous humility which knows of no self-existence, and last, or better, first, of his boundless love.’36






Mary Lucas, a pilgrim to ‘Akka in 1905, found that the Master usually ate but one simple meal a day. In eight days He was present at most meals, often coming just to add joy to the occasion, though He was not hungry. If He knew of someone who had had no meal during a day, the family supper was gladly packed up and sent to the needy.37





On the occasion of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s first dinner in the home of Lady Blomfield in London His hostess had prepared course after course in her eagerness to please Him. Afterwards He gently commented: ‘The food was delicious and the fruit and flowers were lovely, but would that we could share some of the courses with those poor and hungry people who have not even one.’38 Thereafter, the dinners were greatly simplified. Flowers and fruit remained in abundance, for these were often brought to the Master as small love tokens.





Julia Grundy, an early pilgrim, described a beautiful supper at which many friends were welcomed by the Master Himself in ‘Akka. He passed out napkins, embraced and found places for each. All were individually anointed with attar of rose. He served pilau,* a Persian rice dish, to each guest. There were also oranges and rice pudding. ‘Throughout the supper, which was very simple in its character and appointment, ‘Abdu’l- Baha was the Servant of the believers. This was indeed a spiritual feast where Love reigned. The whole atmosphere was Love, Joy, and Peace.’39





May Bolles (Maxwell) took an early pilgrimage to the prison-city. She heard that the food man eats is of no importance, as its effect endures but a short time. But the food of the spirit is life to the soul and its effects endure eternally. She heard ‘Abdu’l-Baha tell the touching ‘story of the hermit’. Baha’u’llah ‘was travelling from one place to another with His followers’ and ‘He passed through a lonely country where, at some little distance from the highway, a hermit lived alone in a cave. He was a holy man, and having heard that Our Lord, Baha’u’llah, would pass that way, he watched eagerly for His approach. When the Manifestation arrived at that spot the hermit knelt down and kissed the dust before His feet, and said to Him: “Oh, my Lord, I am a poor man living alone in a cave nearby; but henceforth I shall account myself the happiest of mortals if Thou wilt but come for a moment to my cave and bless it by Thy Presence. ” Then Baha’u’llah told the man that He would come, not for a moment but for three days, and He bade His followers cast their tents, and await His return. The poor man was so overcome with joy and gratitude that he was speechless, and led the way in humble silence to his lowly dwelling in a rock. There the Glorious One sat with him, talking to him and teaching him, and toward evening the man bethought himself that he had nothing to offer his great Guest but some dry meat and some dark bread, and water from a spring nearby. Not knowing what to do he threw himself at the feet of his Lord and confessed his dilemma. Baha’u’llah comforted him and by a word bade him fetch the meat and bread and water; then the Lord of the universe partook of this frugal repast with joy and fragrance as though it had been a banquet, and during the three days of His visit they ate only of this food which seemed to the poor hermit the most delicious he had ever eaten. Baha’u’llah declared that He had never been more nobly entertained nor received greater hospitality and love. “This,” exclaimed the Master, when He had finished the story, “shows us how little man requires when he is nourished by the sweetest of all foods - the love of God.” ’ [60]




アブドル・バハはご自身の結婚式前、少数の客人たちのために必要な手配をしました。 師のお母上と妹は、白いバチスト(薄く上等な白麻などの生地)で優美な花嫁衣裳を作りました。 ムニレ・カヌームはいつもの二本のおさげに白いヘッドドレスを飾っていました。




Before His wedding day, Abdu’l-Baha made the necessary arrangements for the few guests. His mother and sister made a delicate bridal dress of white batiste. A white head-dress adorned Mumrih Khanum’s hair, worn, as usual, in two braids.

At nine in the evening she went with the Greatest Holy Leaf into the presence of Baha’u’llah, Who gave her His blessing. She then went to the bridal room and awaited the coming of Abdu’l-Baha. The service was very simple. At about ten o’clock Abdu’l-Baha came, accompanied by the guests, and Mumrih Khanum chanted a Tablet revealed by Baha’u’llah. ‘Later, the wife of ‘Abbud recalled the sweetness of that chanting still ringing in her ears.’ [61]

There were no choir, decorations or cake-just cups of tea. Above all, a glory and a love there were more than sufficient to bless the happy event.




The husband of Amelia Collins, a devoted American Baha’i, was a very sociable man. He could take part in any discussion with perfect freedom and ease. But once, before entering the Master’s home, he was so excited that he arranged his tie just right, smoothed his clothes and repeatedly asked his wife what he should do when they arrived there. She told him, ‘Nothing! In the family of ‘Abdu’l-Baha simplicity reigns, and nothing but love is ever accepted.’ [64]






Not only His person but also His immediate surroundings needed to be spotless. Once when He had guests - whom He would always honour - He asked that the chimney of a lamp be replaced as it was not sufficiently polished.[67]















There was a man in Haifa who disliked ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Whenever he saw the Master, he crossed the street to avoid Him. Finally, one day he approached ‘Abdu’l- Baha and said, ‘So You are called the Servant of God.’ ‘Yes,’ said ‘Abdu’l-Baha, ‘that is My name.’

‘Well,’ said the man proudly, ‘I am Moses.’

‘Very well, Moses,’ said ‘Abdu’l-Baha, ‘meet Me at this corner at seven o’clock in the morning tomorrow and we will go and serve the people like the great Moses did.’

The man agreed and when they met the next morning, ‘Abdu’l-Baha took him on His routine of serving the unfortunates, helping the poor and needy, consulting with people and giving counsel. At six o’clock that evening when they returned to the spot where they had started, he was extremely weary.

‘Remember, Moses,’ said ‘Abdu’l-Baha before they parted, ‘I’ll meet you here tomorrow morning at seven o’clock.’

Again they met the following morning and again ‘Abdu’l-Baha took the man through his regular work. Returning at six o’clock that evening the man was very tired. Sternly, ‘Abdu’l-Baha told him, ‘Remember, Moses, tomorrow morning I’ll meet you here.’

They met the third morning and again ‘Abdu’l-Baha took him through His regular work day. When they returned that evening, the man was exhausted. As they parted, the man said, ‘‘Abdu’l-Baha, tomorrow morning I will no longer be Moses.’[74]





The gates of the ‘Akka prison were finally opened for Baha’u’llah, His family and companions after a confinement of two years, two months and five days. Many of His companions were consigned to the caravanserai, an unfit dwelling-place. ‘Abdu’l-Baha occupied one room himself.

The rooms were damp and filthy. ‘Abdu’l-Baha sold a certain gift which had been given to Him in Baghdad and with the proceeds began to repair the rooms for the companions of Baha’u’llah. He left the repair of His own room to the last. The money ran out and as a result His room remained unrepaired and in very bad condition. Not only were its walls damp but the roof leaked and the floor was covered with dust. He sat and slept on a mat in that room. His bed cover was a sheepskin. The room was infested with fleas and when He slept under the sheepskin, fleas gathered and began biting. ‘Abdu’l- Baha worked out a tactic of defeating the fleas by turning over His sheepskin at intervals. He would sleep for a while before the fleas found their way again to the inner side. He would then turn the sheepskin over again. Every night He had to resort to this tactic eight to ten times.







アブドル・バハがアメリカに旅をされた時に随行した人が、師が将来を心配して言われたことを記録していました。「こんな苦難に耐えながら旅を続ける理由は、ただ神の大業を堕落させないためです。私が死んだ後に、何が起きるか今も心配です。そんな心配がなければ、今頃くつろいでいたでしょう。聖地を離れることはなかったのです。…私が死んだら、利己的な者らが信者たちの愛と和合をまた乱すのではないかと心配しています」。[77] 車がシカゴのホテルに到着するまで、師は悲し気に話されていました。


A companion of‘Abdu’l-Baha on His journey in America recorded a moment when the Master expressed His anxiety for the future: ‘I am bearing these hardships of traveling so that the Cause of God may push on uncontaminated. For I am still anxious about what is going to happen after Me. Had I had ease of mind on this score I would have sat comfortably in one corner. I would not have come out of [the] Holy Land ... I fear after Me self-seeking persons may disturb again the love and unity of the friends.’ [77] The Master talked in sorrowful tones until the automobile stopped at a hotel in Chicago.





Early in 1904 Ethel Rosenberg made her second pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Still confined to the city of ‘Akka the Master and His family were living in the prison house. For eight months Ethel stayed there as His guest. She wrote, ‘To sit at ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s table, in His simple home, with Christians, Mohammedans, Jews, and those of other faiths, all of them breathing forth the spirit of living brotherhood is a privilege not readily forgotten.’

During her visit enemies of the Cause became particularly vicious in the attacks against ‘Abdu’l-Baha and caused Him and His loyal followers enormous problems and indescribable grief. Deeply distressed by this fact, she asked the Master why He, a perfect Man, had to go through such sufferings. He answered her, ‘How could they (God’s teachers) teach and guide others in the way if they themselves did not undergo every species of suffering to which other human beings are subjected?’ [78]








At a time when Juliet Thompson’s mother was suffering much grief because her son’s fiancee, both brilliant and beautiful, did not want to make friends with his family, she received an invitation to visit ‘Abdu’l-Baha. Though she was opposed to Juliet’s work for the Baha’i Faith and a thunderstorm was raging, she got her rubbers and went to the Master. He was exhausted, lying on His bed. He had seen hundreds of people that day, literally. But she was warmly welcomed. His words of comfort included, ‘. . . I heard of your sorrow. And now I want to comfort you. Trust in God. God is kind. God is faithful. God never forgets you. If others are unkind what difference does it make when God is kind? When God is on your side it does not matter what men do to you.’

The next day ‘Mamma’ was able to say, ‘All my bitterness has gone.’ She regarded it as a miracle. [79]



師はある婦人にこう書かれました。「塵ひとつないほどに磨かれた鏡のようになるため、最大限に努力しなさい。そうすれば、真理の太陽の光がほとばしり出るように、あなたも、まわりの人たちに光を与えることができるでしょう」 [83]


The Master wrote to one lady as follows: ‘Endeavor thou, as far as thou canst, in order that thou mayest be like unto a chaste and clear mirror, cleansed and purified from every dust, so that the outpouring of the rays of the Sun of Truth may descend and thou mayest illumine those who are around thee. ’ [83]






When ‘Abdu’l-Baha was asked at one time what He thought about women’s fashions, He replied simply: ‘We do not look upon the dresses of women, whether or not they are of the latest mode. We are not the judge of fashions. We rather judge the wearer of dresses. If she be chaste, if she be cultured, if she be characterized with heavenly morality, and if she be favored at the Threshold of God, she is honored and respected by us, no matter what manner of dress she wears. We have nothing to do with the ever-changing world of modes.’ [85]











A major event during the Master’s visit to America was the dedication of the land for the first Baha’i House of Worship of the western hemisphere in Wilmette, Illinois. Mrs Nettie Tobin lived nearby in Chicago and was anxious to contribute something, despite the fact that she was not well off. The following is her account of how she solved the problem. ‘I had heard that the Master was to be at the Temple site on May first, and I thought that He should have a suitable stone to mark the location of the Temple. So I went to a building under construction near my home, and seeing a pile of stones at a wall, I asked the builder if I could get a stone. He said, “Sure, help yourself, these are rejected. ” So I went home, got an old, small, baby carriage, loaded the stone into it and wheeled it home. Early the next morning, with the help of a Persian friend, I wheeled the carriage to the car line, and, against the protests of the conductor, we got the carriage onto the platform of the car. We made two changes and finally, after endless delays, we got the baby carriage to the corner of Central Street and Sheridan Road. Here, when we pushed the carriage over a broken pavement it collapsed. As we stood despairing of getting the stone to the Temple grounds in time, since the hour had passed for the service, two boys with an express wagon came along. The boys were quickly persuaded to lend their wagon for the transportation and so we finally came to the grounds. Imagine my joy when “the stone refused by the builder” was received and used by the Master!’ [94]




結核を(わずら)っていたある男は、そのために友人から避けられました。家族でさえ恐れて、ためらいながら彼の部屋に入りました。師は、その話を聞くだけで十分でした。「それからは毎日、その病人のところに行き、ごちそうを食べさせ、本を読んだり話をしたりしました。彼が亡くなったとき、そばにいたのは師でした」。 [96]


A man, ill with tuberculosis, was avoided by his friends - even his family was fearful and hardly dared enter his room. The Master needed only to hear of it and ‘thereafter went daily to the sick man, took him delicacies, read and discoursed to him, and was alone with him when he died.’ [96]







師はケーキを手に取り、嬉しそうに(なが)められました。 今や、少年たちは静かに師を取り囲んで立っていました。師は『ナイフをください』と言われました。友が師にナイフを持ってきました。師は、周りにいる少年の数を数え、その数にケーキを切り分けられました。少年たちは一人残らず喜んでケーキをもらい、おいしそうに食べ、嬉しそうに走り去っていきました」。[99]


Juliet Thompson and other Baha’is decided to give the Master a birthday party, and a few of them baked a cake. She reported, ‘We took several taxis to the Bronx, with the Master riding in the first one. As soon as His taxi had arrived there, the Master got out and walked into the park ahead of the rest of us.

‘A group of young boys gathered around Him and started to laugh. Two or three of them threw stones at Him. With natural concern many of the friends hurried towards the Master, but He told them to stay away. The boys came closer to the Master, jeered at Him and pulled at His clothes. The Master did not become cross. He merely smiled at them radiantly, but the boys continued to behave as before. Then the Master turned towards the friends. ‘Bring me the cake,’ He said. No one had mentioned to Him that we had brought a cake.

‘Some of us said, “But ‘Abdu’l-Baha, the cake is for your birthday.” He repeated, “Bring me the cake.” A friend uncovered a large sponge cake, with white icing, and gave it to the Master. As soon as the boys had seen the cake they began to calm down, and stared at the cake hungrily.

‘The Master took it in His hands and looked at the cake with pleasure. The boys were now standing quietly around Him. “Bring me a knife,” said the Master. A friend brought Him a knife. The Master counted the number of boys who were standing around Him and then cut the cake into the same number of pieces. Each boy eagerly took a piece, ate it with relish, and then ran away happily.’ [99]








Juliet Thompson was painting the Master’s portrait in America. Lua Getsinger and May Maxwell came into the library, crossed over to where she was sitting and stood behind her.

The Master looked up and smiled at May. ‘You have a kind heart, Mrs Maxwell.’ Then he turned to Lua. ‘You, Lua, have a tender heart. And what kind of heart have you, Juliet?’ He laughed. ‘What kind of a heart have you?’

‘Oh, what kind of heart have I? You know, my Lord. I don’t know.’

‘An emotional heart. ’ He laughed again and rolled His hands one round the other in a sort of tempestuous gesture. ‘You will have a boiling heart, Juliet. Now,’ He continued, ‘if these three hearts were united into one heart - kind, tender and emotional - what a great heart that would be!’ [100]



愛ある躾の中心には優しさがあります。アブドル・バハは、小さな孫のショーギを心から愛しておられましたが、ショーギは、時間を守ることを学ぶ必要がありました。これは人生の非常に早い時期に学んだことであり、「他の誰でもない、おじい様の手から一度だけ良い()らしめを受けた後に」でした。[101] それからというもの、家族の祈りと朝食のために真っ先に起きるようになりました。

Kindness lies at the heart of loving discipline. ‘Abdu’l-Baha dearly loved His little grandson, Shoghi, but he needed to learn to be on time. This he learned very early in his life ‘after receiving one good chastisement from no other hand than that of his grandfather!’ [101] He then became the first to get up for the family prayers and breakfast.






そして、師は私に、まっすぐお母さんのもとに戻り、明日また来るよう言われました。私は家に帰って、師が私を叱責(しっせき)されたことを伝え、お母さんを慰めました」。 [102]


The Master also dearly loved His devoted disciple, Juliet Thompson. In her diary she wrote about a visit with Him in New York City in November 1912. One day she wrote, ‘I had been very naughty with Mamma that day and had grieved her. My precious mother was brought up in luxury, lived in luxury until Papa died. She cannot get over her sensitiveness about our too-apparent poverty and she simply won’t have people to meals. I had begged her to make an exception of Mirza ‘Ali-Akbar, who was arriving at such an awkward hour, and to let me bring him back for lunch. But she wouldn’t hear of it. Whereupon I flew into a temper, told her what I thought of her “false pride”, and stamped out of the house.

‘Now, entering the Master’s house with the three Persians, instead of a welcome, I received a blow. The Master didn’t even look at me.

‘ “How is your mother?” were His first words. “Is she happy?”

‘Then He told me to go straight back to her but to return the next day. I went back and comforted her with His rebuke to me.’ [102]






On one occasion two young boys, Shoghi Effendi and his first cousin, Ruhi Effendi, entered the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. The Master looked at them thoughtfully and then remarked to Ruhi Effendi, ‘If you can’t wear a happy, pleasant expression on your face like Shoghi Effendi, then you are excused.’ [103] 








Soon after the arrival of Baha’u’llah and His party in ‘Akka the Governor visited the barracks for inspection. ‘Abdu’l-Baha, accompanied by a few believers, went to see him. But the Governor was discourteous and spoke to them in a provocative manner. He threatened to cut the supply of bread if one of the prisoners went missing and then ordered them back to their room. One of the Master’s attendants could not bear to remain silent after such insulting treatment. He retorted with rage and hurled back at the Governor some offensive remarks.

Abdu’l-Baha immediately chastened His attendant by slapping him hard in the face in front of the Governor and ordering him to return to his room. This action by ‘Abdu’l-Baha not only defused a dangerous situation but also opened the eyes of the Governor to the existence of a real leader among the prisoners, a leader who would act with authority and justice.

Due to this action the Governor’s attitude towards ‘Abdu’l-Baha changed. He realized that, contrary to the wild rumours circulating in ‘Akka at the time, ‘Abdu’l- Baha and His family were from a noble background, and not criminals as he had been led to believe. The Governor therefore began to act in a more humane way towards the prisoners. He eventually agreed to substitute the allotted ration of bread with a sum of money and allowed a small party of the prisoners, escorted by guards, to visit the markets of ‘Akka daily to buy their provisions. [104] 











One day in 1912 the beloved Master was very stern while in New York. He held the book of the Hidden Words in His hand and walked back and forth and then lifted the book high and said, ‘Whosoever does not live up to these Words is not of Me.’ [105]








200人の招待客の中を進み、給仕をしながら、愛と精神的に意義深い、神聖な言葉をかけられました。『もし、あなた方の中で過去一年間に他人の言動で心に傷を負った人がいるならば、純粋な心と愛に満ちた(ゆる)しで、今、その人を許しなさい。それにより、あなたが幸せに満たされますように。そして、精神的に(よみがえ)り、立ち上がることができますように』。」 [106]


Abdu’l-Baha was born on the same night that the Bab declared His Mission in Shiraz on 22 May 1844, so on that day in 1906 it was about the Bab, His work and message, that He spoke. For the occasion over two hundred guests were to dine at the Master’s table. Since dawn He had been busy helping with the work involved, Himself kneading dough to be put in the ovens, ‘in gay spirits, inspiring, uplifting, cheering all His helpers’. Later He ‘assisted in passing the platters ... the rice ... the lamb . . . the fruits of the region (of such large size, such colour, and such fragrance as only the sunshine of the East produces and paints). Moving among His two hundred guests, He spoke to them as He served them, such Divine words of love and spiritual import . . . “If one of you has been wounded in heart by the words or deeds of another, during the past year, forgive him now; that in purity of heart and loving pardon, you may feast in happiness, and arise, renewed in spirit.” ’ [106]















In 1911 the Master spent a few quiet days in the French Alps, presumably to rest, before continuing to London. Here took place a remarkable encounter which illustrates the universality of His love, even towards those whose hearts ran hostile to Him and to His Father’s Cause. Juliet Thompson tells us the following about this occasion which she herself witnessed: ‘Monstrously sinned against, too great was He to claim the right to forgive. In His almost off-hand brushing aside of a cruelty, in the ineffable sweetness with which He ignored it, it was as though He said: Forgiveness belongs only to God.

‘An example of this was His memorable meeting with the royal prince, Zillah Sultan, brother of the Shah of Persia, Muhammad ‘All Shah. Not alone ‘Abdu’l-Baha, but a great number of His followers, band after band of Baha’i martyrs, had suffered worse than death at the hands of these two princes. When the downfall of the Shah, with that of the Sultan of Turkey, set ‘Abdu’l-Baha at liberty, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, beginning His journey through Europe, went first to Thonon-les-Bains, on the Lake of Geneva. The exiled Shah was then somewhere in Europe; Zillah-Sultan, also in exile with his two sons, had fled to Geneva. Thus ‘Abdu’l-Baha, the exonerated and free, and Zillah Sultan, the fugitive, were almost within a stone’s throw of each other.

‘In the suite of Abdu’l-Baha was a distinguished European who had visited Persia and there met Zillah Sultan. One day when the European was standing on the balustraded terrace of the hotel in Thonon and ‘Abdu’l- Baha was pacing to and fro at a little distance, Zillah Sultan approached the terrace. Abdu’l-Baha was wearing, as always, the turban, the long white belted robe and long ‘aba of Persia. His hair, according to the ancient custom of the Persian nobility, flowed to His shoulders. Zillah Sultan, after greeting the European, immediately asked:

‘ “Who is that Persian nobleman?”


‘ “Take me to Him. ”

‘In describing the scene later, the European said: “If you could have heard the wretch mumbling his miserable excuses!” But Abdu’l-Baha took the prince in His arms. “All that is of the past, ” He answered. “Never think of it again. Send your two sons to see me. I want to meet your sons.”

‘They came, one at a time. Each spent a day with the Master. The first, though an immature boy, nevertheless showed Him great deference. The second, older and more sensitive, left the room of Abdu’l-Baha, where he had been received alone, weeping uncontrollably. “If only I could be born again,” he said, “into any other family than mine.”

‘For not only had many Baha’is been martyred during his uncle’s reign (upwards of a hundred by his father’s instigation), and the life of ‘Abdu’l-Baha threatened again and again, but his grandfather, Nasiri’d-Din Shah, had ordered the execution of the Bab, as well as the torture and death of thousands of Babis.

‘The young prince was “born again” - a Baha’i.’ [108]



バハオラがその名前をお聞きになると、いつも嬉しいお顔をされたという人がいたそうです。それは、マグダラのマリアで、その名前を誰かが口にすると、バハオラの表情はいつもパッと変わったものでした。[110] その人は、「ノヴァトゥスの優しく魅力的な愛人から、イエス・キリストの聖なる弟子へと」変容した女性です。[111] 英国人女性のエセル・ローゼンバーグは母国でバハイ教を最初に受け入れた人です。師は彼女にこうおっしゃいました。「マグダラのマリアから、七つの悪魔が追い出されたと言われています。つまり、イエスが真理を教えられたことによって、七つの邪悪な性質が追い払われたということです。彼女は改心する前、思われているほどひどい女性ではなかったのですが、このようなすばらしい聖人、純粋で善良な奇跡が新生(イエス・キリストを信じることによって精神的に生まれ変わること)によって生み出されたのは驚くほかはありません。



We are told that there was one name that always brought joy to the face of Baha’u’llah. His expression would change at the mention of Mary Magdalen’s name. [110] Here was a woman who was transformed ‘from the gentle, appealing mistress of Novatus to the saintly disciple of Jesus Christ . . ,’ [111] The Master said to Ethel Rosenberg, the first English woman to embrace the Baha’i Faith in her native land, ‘It is said of Mary Magdalen that out of her went seven devils. This means seven evil qualities which Jesus cast out of her by teaching her the Truth. She was not such a bad woman as some suppose before her conversion but the wonder is that such a saint and miracle of purity and goodness could have been created by the New Birth.

She was greater than all the disciples of Jesus because she alone stood firm after His death and never wavered. [112]








すぐに、思いやりのある別れの挨拶が聞こえ、師が戻られましたが、ドアの側で立ち止まられ、いかめしいお顔で、女性たち一人ひとりを見て、こうおっしゃいました。「あなた方はあの方を追い出したくてたまらなかったため、気の毒にも、彼に居心地の悪い思いをさせてしまいました。私は、彼を喜ばせるために連れ出したのです」。 [114]


 Two ladies from Scotland, delighted that their request to have an evening with the Master while He was in London had been granted, were warmly received by Abdu’l-Baha. How they relished having this intimate evening! Half an hour passed in His warm presence, when suddenly they were filled with consternation - an aggressive reporter strode into their midst and seated himself - he wanted information about the Master. His talkative, impolite manner left the ladies speechless - such an intrusion could spoil that precious evening.

Then, to their surprise, Abdu’l-Baha stood up and, beckoning the reporter to follow Him, led the way into His room. The ladies had indeed got rid of the intruder, but they had also lost ‘Abdu’l-Baha. What were they to do?

Before long the hostess went to the Master’s secretary and asked that He be informed ‘that the ladies with whom the appointment had been made are awaiting His pleasure’.

Very soon kind words of farewell were heard. Then the Master returned, pausing by the door. Gravely, He looked at each and said, ‘You were making that poor man uncomfortable, so strongly desiring his absence; I took him away to make him feel happy. ’ [114]





Maria Ioas longed to be the recipient of a flower from Abdu’l-Baha. She had been tempted to ask pilgrims going to ‘Akka to bring one to her, if at all possible. Yet, somehow, she felt she would receive one if the Master so desired. When He came to Chicago, she took one of her children and headed towards the Plaza Hotel on His first day there. He was away, so they waited the entire afternoon. As He stepped out of the elevator, He saw them and greeted them kindly. He then headed for His room and bade them follow. She hesitated and He again urged, ‘Come, come.’ Then they felt free to accompany Him into His reception room. Shortly after, He emerged from His private room carrying roses and graciously handed one to her. [115]




ロンドンでは、探求者が帰りたがらないことがよくありました。昼食や夕食の時間に居合わせている人がいれば、必ず一緒に食事をするように招待されました。戸惑いを和らげるために、アブドル・バハは最も控えめな人に手を差し伸べ、自ら食堂に連れて行き、右手に座らせてとても優しく言葉をおかけになるので、驚いた客もすぐにすっかりくつろいだものでした。 師(おん)(みずか)18人もの客を給仕されることもありましたが、中断した会話を続けたり、ユーモアに富んだ逸話(いつわ)を話されたりすることが多かったです。[117]


In London it was noted that inquirers often hated to leave. If any were still present when luncheon or dinner was to be served, they were inevitably invited to dine also. To smother embarrassment, Abdu’l-Baha would extend His hand to the humblest and lead him personally into the dining-room, seating him at His right and talking with such warmth that soon the surprised guest felt completely at ease. As many as eighteen might find themselves being served by the Master Himself, but He was prone to continue His interrupted conversations or to tell an anecdote, often sparkling with His humour. [117]






Juliet Thompson, a devout Baha’i and a New York artist, was told by Abdu’l-Baha that she taught well. Frankly and lovingly, He said to her: ‘I have met many people who have been affected by you, Juliet. You are not eloquent; you are not fluent, but your heart teaches. You speak with an emotion - a feeling which makes people ask, “What is this that she has?” ’ [124]














Juliet Thompson has given us a sweet picture of the Master in ‘Akka: ‘He had sent for us that afternoon to meet Mr Sprague and the Persian believers and, not being ready, I put on a dress I could slip into easily. As I passed the Master standing in His door: ‘I am afraid I am not dressed well-enough,’ I said.

He touched my arm, smiling with the utmost sweetness.

‘The Persian believers do not look at the dress, My child. They look at the heart.’ [126]

















After Baha’u’llah’s confinement in the Most Great Prison in ‘Akka had ended, but while He was yet residing in the town, an Egyptian merchant, ‘Abdu’l-Karim, afire with God’s latest message, desired to visit Him. He wrote for permission to go on pilgrimage. He must have been greatly surprised when the reply arrived: he might go on pilgrimage but only after all his debts were paid.

He had been in business for many years. His caravans crossed the desert with precious cargo. He had quite naturally been interested in expanding his business, but now his consuming interest was to ‘owe no man anything’. It followed that when he received a payment, instead of investing it for further gain, he paid off a debt. This continued for five years, until at last he was debt-free.

His business shrank. No longer did ‘love of wealth’ consume him. When all his debts were paid, he had only enough to keep his family going in his absence and to pay for deck passage on a ship bound for Haifa.

Formerly, he would have travelled first-class. Now he had neither bed nor warm stateroom. Never mind! He was going to see Baha’u’llah. As he crossed the gangplank, his shawl slipped into the water. The night would be chilly, but his heart was glad and he felt ‘alive with prayer’.

Baha’u’llah informed His family that He was expecting an honoured guest. A carriage was sent to Haifa to pick up the merchant, but the attendant received no description of this very special guest. As the passengers disembarked, he watched them very carefully - surely he would recognize someone so distinguished - but the passengers appeared quite ordinary and in due time he returned to ‘Akka with word that Baha’u’llah’s visitor had not arrived.

The merchant had expected to be met. He had no money left to hire a carriage. Bitterly disappointed, he seated himself on a bench, feeling forlorn and destitute.

Baha’u’llah knew that His distinguished guest had arrived, even though he had not been recognized. This time He sent ‘Abdu’l-Baha, who, in the twilight, recognized ‘the disappointed figure huddled upon the bench’. Quickly the Master introduced Himself and explained what had happened. Then He asked the traveller if he would like to go to ‘Akka that very night or if he would prefer to wait until morning. The merchant had already spent hours in prayer in preparation for his meeting with Baha’u’llah, but now he found that bitterness had seeped into his heart - he had felt so forgotten and alone upon his arrival in Haifa. He had even begun to wonder about the very station of Baha’u’llah. For what had he given up his fortune? He was in spiritual torment. However, in the presence of this welcome and gentle Man, doubts and suspicions ebbed out of his soul; yet he felt the need of hours of prayer to feel spiritually ready to meet God’s Emissary.

As the story is told, Abbas Effendi knew instinctively that His new friend would not wish to seek a hotel at His expense, so finding that he preferred to wait until morning for the journey to ‘Akka, ‘he unbuttoned the long cloak that enveloped him, seated himself beside the pilgrim, and wrapped both in its ample folds. So they passed the night praying together, lost in that ecstasy of prayer that brings realization. ’

'The next morning they proceeded towards the prison- city of‘Akka. At long last the Egyptian appeared before Baha’u’llah with a glad heart, purified through five years of testing. [127]



Sympathy and Understanding



Abdu’l-Baha’s deep sympathy and understanding for the human condition, with its frailties and needs, generated His natural desire to help as much as was possible.









When a Turkish man, living in Haifa, lost his position, he, his wife and children were in desperate need. They went to ‘Abdu’l-Baha for help and were naturally greatly aided. When the poor man became ill, again the Master stood ready to help. He provided a doctor, medicine and provisions to make him comfortable. When this man felt he was to die, he asked for Abdu’l-Baha and called his children to him. ‘Here’, he told the children, ‘is your father, who will take care of you when I am gone. ’

One morning four small children arrived at the home of ‘Abdu’l-Baha and

announced, ‘We want our father.’ The Master, hearing their voices, knew who they were. They shared their sorrow with Him - their own father had died.

Abdu’l-Baha brought them in and gave them drink, sweets and cakes. He then went with them to their home. Their announcement had been premature - their father had merely fainted, but the next day he passed away.

The Master arranged for the funeral and provided food, clothing and travel-tickets for the family to go to Turkey. His sympathetic heart was as wide as the universe. [132]





‘When He reached the Occident, however, Abdu’l-Baha faced a condition which troubled Him greatly, because it was beyond His power to assuage the misery He saw constantly about Him. Housed luxuriously at Cadogan Gardens, London, He knew that within a stone’s throw of Him were people who had never had enough to eat - and in New York there was exactly the same situation. These things made Him exceedingly sad, and He said: “The time will come in the near future when humanity will become so much more sensitive than at present that the man of great wealth will not enjoy his luxury, in comparison with the deplorable poverty about him. He will be forced, for his own happiness, to expend his wealth to procure better conditions for the community in which he lives.” ’ [133]








So sensitive and sympathetic was the Master to human suffering that He admitted to surprise that others could be quite oblivious to it. In Paris, He expressed His feelings: ‘I have just been told that there has been a terrible accident in this country. A train has fallen into the river and at least twenty people have been killed. This is going to be a matter for discussion in the French Parliament today, and the Director of the State Railway will be called upon to speak. He will be cross-examined as to the condition of the railroad and as to what caused the accident, and there will be a heated argument. I am filled with wonder and surprise to notice what interest and excitement has been aroused throughout the whole country on account of the death of twenty people, while they remain cold and indifferent to the fact that thousands of Italians, Turks, and Arabs are killed in Tripoli! The horror of this wholesale slaughter has not disturbed the Government at all! Yet these unfortunate people are human beings too.’ [134]







他の人の安寧のために師が無欲さを示された話はたくさんあります。「貧しい人々に対しての師の寛大さは、雨の如く気前のよいものでした」。[135] 師とその家族は神の愛において豊かであったので、欠乏の状況を進んで受け入れました。その一方で、窓が割れていたり、屋根が雨漏りしていたりして、健康に有害とわかると、必要な修理を必ず済ませるようにされました。[136]


Abdu’l-Baha gave freely of what He had - love, time, care and concern, food and money, clothing and flowers, a bed, a rug! His motto appeared to be: frugality for Himself, generosity for others.

  Stories of the Master’s self-denial in favour of others’ well-being are legion. He was ‘bountiful as the rain in His generosity to the poor . . .’ [135] Because He and His family were rich in the love of God, they accepted material deprivation for themselves gladly. On the other hand, if the Master knew of a broken window or a leaky roof, which were health hazards, He would make sure the necessary repairs were completed. [136]

He did not need, or want, luxury. This became obvious on His trip to America. Once, after a few days in beautiful rooms reserved for Him by the friends in one city, He moved to a simple apartment. However, in hotels He tipped so generously as to cause astonishment. In homes where He was entertained, He left thoughtful gifts for both hosts and servants. It should be emphasized that He went from coast to coast to speak without pay or benefit of contract.








It is told that in the home of Baha’u’llah there was a beautiful rug upon which He used to sit. One day a poor Arab brought a load of wood to the house. He saw the rug and was very much attracted by its beauty. He handled it with great appreciation and exclaimed, ‘Oh, how wonderful it must be to have such a splendid rug to sit upon!’

Abdu’l-Baha heard him and said, ‘If you like the rug, take it. ’

The man could not believe it was really a gift. Fearing he would lose it, he put it over his shoulder and began to run, looking back to see if anyone was coming to take it from him.

With delicious humourAbdu’l-Baha said, ‘Go on, no one is going to take it away from you. ’ [138]





東方からの巡礼者は「師にチョコレートを差し上げ、師はそれを他の人たちに分け与えられました」。その巡礼者は、こう述べました。「私たちは師に歌うための許しを求め、師が快く許可してくださいましたので、歌い始めました。何を歌ったか思い出せません。朗誦したのか、他の歌だったのか。しかし、師の前で歌っているときほど幸せな気分になったことはありませんでした。他の人たちも同じように感じたに違いありません。バージに着いてから夕食をとり、その後、アブドル・バハが聖廟に絨毯 [139]を敷いてくださいましたので、私の希望が叶いました」。* [140]





Another instance of His generosity concerned a rug, which was among ‘the most exquisite’ ever created in Persia. Woven of ‘purest silk, patterned as a rose garden and bordered with heavy twisted cord of real gold’, it was bought from merchants after World War I. With great effort it was brought to Haifa by way of Afghanistan and India, due to transportation and travel problems.

When the generous pilgrim arrived after tiring weeks of travel, he took the rug to the Pilgrim House adjacent to the Shrine of the Bab and spread it out on the floor. ‘Abdu’l-Baha arrived and ‘immediately inquired of the caretaker whose carpet that was, and upon being told, He said that so valuable a work of art should not be on the floor where it might become soiled and He gave instructions for it to be rolled up and put away. The pilgrim then told Abdu’l-Baha that the carpet had been brought for Him and He replied that so beautiful a gift should be placed in the Shrine of Baha’u’llah, and that He would place it there Himself. ’

Within a few days resident believers and pilgrims went with ‘Abdu’l-Baha to Bahji. They boarded a train in Haifa for ‘Akka. From ‘Akka a carriage took the older friends to Bahji. The Master rode His now-famous white donkey, the younger ones walked.

The pilgrim from the East ‘offered the Master some chocolate and this He shared with some others.’ He related that ‘we asked permission of the Master to sing and when He graciously permitted us, we began to sing. I do not remember what the songs were, whether they were our chants or other songs, but I know that I never felt so happy in my life as then when singing in the presence of the Master, and I am sure all the others felt the same way. After we reached Bahji we had dinner and then Abdu’l-Baha spread the carpet [139] in the Holy Shrine, and thus my hope was realized.’ * [140]

* This exquisite rug - ‘the most valuable ornament of Baha’u’llah’s Shrine’ - was eventually donated by Shoghi Effendi to the Baha’i House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois.










師は、講演を次のように締めくくりました。「人類の安全を保証するのは神の聖霊である。なぜなら、人間の思考は異なり、人間の感受性は異なるからである。聖霊の共通の水路を通してでなければ、全人類の感受性を一つにすることはできない」。[141] 心からの拍手を受けましたが、師はとても疲れて話を続けることはできませんでした。

出発の前日、アブドル・バハは、会議の議長に、選りすぐりのペルシャ絨毯をプレゼントしたいと考えました。残念なことに、その絨毯は、ニューヨークの師のアパートにありました。あり得ない距離を一晩で運ぶというほとんど不可能なことをやってのけたのはディヤ・バグダディ博士であり、「アブドル・バハがスマイリー氏と握手をして」、出発の準備をなさっていたちょうどその時に到着しました。アルバート・スマイリー氏は仰天して、こう言いました。「ああ、これこそ、わたしが何年も何年も探し求めていた絨毯です! 我が家にはこれとよく似たペルシャ絨毯があったのですが、火事で焼けてしまい、それ以来、妻は悲嘆にくれています。この絨毯を見たら、妻はきっと大喜びするに違いありません」。[142] 筆者の知る限り、この絨毯は今でもマウンテンハウスで使われています。


Abdu’l-Baha was invited to speak before the Eighteenth Annual Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration held at Mohonk Mountain House, a beautiful mountain-top resort on a small, forest-fringed, jewel-like lake - Mohonk Lake - in southern New York. Many influential people attended these conferences.

He ended His talk by saying, ‘It is the Holy Spirit of God which insures the safety of humanity, for human thoughts differ, human susceptibilities differ. You cannot make the susceptibilities of all humanity one except through the common channel of the Holy Spirit.’ [141] He was heartily applauded, but was too tired to continue speaking.

The day before He was to leave, Abdu’l-Baha decided He would like to present the president of the Conference with a choice Persian rug which was, unfortunately, in His flat in New York. Dr Diya Baghdadi performed the seemingly impossible task of fetching the rug all that distance in one night and arrived just as ‘Abdu’l-Baha was ‘shaking hands with Mr Smiley’, preparing to leave. Albert Smiley must have been astonished for he said, ‘Why, this is just what I have been seeking for many years! You see, we had a Persian rug just like this one, but it was burned in a fire and ever since my wife has been broken-hearted over it. This will surely make her very happy.’ [142] As far as the author is aware, the rug is still in use in Mountain House.






Cloak and coat stories pertaining to Abdu’l-Baha are numerous. Once, before the Master’s wife went on a journey, she left a second cloak for ‘Abdu’l-Baha with one of their daughters, for she feared He would give His away and be caught without one in her absence. The daughter was not to tell her Father about the second cloak, but amazingly, the Master soon asked His daughter if He had another cloak, so the truth had to be told. As was to be expected, He replied, ‘How could I be happy having two cloaks, knowing that there are those that have none?’ He gave the second one away. [142]








At one time the Master had a fine cloak of Persian wool, which had been given to Him. When a poor man appealed to Him for a garment, He sent for this cloak and gave it to him. The man took it but complained, saying it was only of cotton.

‘No,’ ‘Abbas Effendi assured him, ‘it is of wool’; and to prove it He lighted a match and burned a little of the nap. The man still grumbled that it was not good. ‘Abbas Effendi reproved him for criticizing a gift, but He ended the interview by directing an attendant to give the man a mejidi (a coin then worth about four francs). It was observed that if someone vexed the Master, He always gave him a gift. [148]







Major Wellesley Tudor-Pole wrote in his diary in 1918, at the time of his visit to the Master, ‘I gave him the Persian camel-hair cloak, and it greatly pleased him, for the winter is here, and he had given away the only cloak he possessed. I made him promise to keep this one through the winter anyway, and I trust he does.’ [148]




アッカの冬の寒さが本格的になる前に、師はとある服屋に行かれ、相当な数の貧しい人々がこの一年着るためのマントを受け取りに来るよう手配されました。師は貧しい人たちの肩に服がきれいに乗るように直してあげることもありました。師は必要だと思われるところに与え、受け取った人の記録をとられました。師は罵られることを望みませんでした。しかし、罵る者でさえ、師の寛大な手から親切を受け取ることが知られていました。[150] アラビア人たちが師を「寛大さの主」と呼び[151]、バハイたちが、師の絶え間ない親切な行いを見て燃え立ち、師を神の(しもべ)として愛したことに何の不思議もありません。


Before a winter’s cold took hold of ‘Akka, the Master would go to a clothing shop where He would arrange that a number of the poor should come to receive their annual cloaks. He would adjust the garments over some of those poor shoulders. He gave where He felt it was merited and kept a record of the recipients. He did not wish to be abused - but even abuse was known to receive kindness at His generous hands, as has been shown. [150] Small wonder that the Arabs called Him the ‘Lord of Generosity’ [151] and Baha’is became ablaze by observing His actions of continuing kindness and loved Him as the Servant of God.








Mary Lucas, a pilgrim to ‘Akka in 1905, found that the Master gave away all the many gifts which were sent to Him. ‘A story is told of a beautiful silver service which was presented to Him, and He did not even look at it. One and another received portions of it until piece by piece it disappeared.

‘A significant incident is that of a wealthy woman who offered Him a sum of money before she left Akka. He refused to accept it, and as the lady pleaded for the privilege of placing it in His hands, He said, at length: “I never accept anything for Myself, but if you wish you may bestow it upon a poor man . . . for the education of his son.” So the money was used for this purpose.’ [152]









Already in Abdu’l-Baha’s day relief funds had been established. He encouraged the Save the Children Fund. The Haifa Relief Fund had been created to alleviate the misery of the local population - twice the Master contributed fifty Egyptian pounds. After the first contribution His name was placed first on the contributors’ list. After receiving the second, the Military Governor, G. A. Stanton, wrote a letter of gratitude in which he stated, ‘Please accept on behalf of the committee of management, my very sincerest and most grateful thanks for this further proof of your well-known generosity and care of the poor, who will forever bless you for your liberality on their behalf. ’ [153]




同じく初期の巡礼者である「ロイ」は、自分が見たことをこう言い表しました。「金曜の朝7時には全く別の光景があります。庭のテントの近くで、足の不自由な人、体の不自由な人、目の見えない人など、赤貧の人々が集まっているのが見られるでしょう。その数が100人を下ることはめったにありません。アブドル・バハが彼らの間を歩きながら、一人一人に硬貨を渡し、同情や励ましの言葉をかけられる様子が見られます。家にいる人の様子を尋ねることもよくあり、その時に来られなかった人にその人の分を送られることはしょっちゅうです。貧しい人々が列を作ってゆっくりと立ち去っていく様は哀れですが、彼らは皆、毎週の訪問を楽しみにしており、実際、この訪問が主な生計の手段になっている人もいるそうです。ほぼどんな日でも、早朝に師が街を回られ、弱っている人や病気の人にお声をかける姿が見られます。そして、多くのみすぼらしい家が、師がいらっしゃることによって明るくなるのです」 [160]


‘Roy’, another early pilgrim, described what he saw: ‘Friday mornings at seven there is another picture. Near the tent in the garden one may see an assemblage of the abject poor - the lame, the halt and the blind - seldom less than a hundred. As ‘Abdu’l-Baha passes among them He will be seen to give to each a small coin, and to add a word of sympathy or cheer; often an inquiry about those at home; frequently He sends a share to an absent one. It is a sorry procession as they file slowly away, but they all look forward to this weekly visit, and indeed it is said that this is the chief means of sustenance for some of them. Almost any morning, early, He may be seen making the round of the city, calling upon the feeble and the sick; many dingy abodes are brightened by His presence. ’ [160]









How could this Prisoner give to the needy of Akka every Friday morning? Had not His exiled family’s wealth and property been almost totally confiscated? One pilgrim found that, ‘All that the Master gives is a real sacrifice, and is saved by the cutting off of what most people would consider necessities.’ [161]

What most impressed ‘Roy’ was the spirit of sacrifice which he found among the Baha’is in the ‘Most Great Prison’. He noted that, ‘Nowhere have I witnessed such love, such perfect harmony. The desire of those in that prison was to serve one another.’ [162]

The Master spoke to him in Persian with an interpreter. After saying that ‘The Cause of God is like a tree - its fruit is love’, He asked how the believers were. Happy that they were becoming more united He replied, ‘This news is the cause of My happiness, for the more they are united the more they will receive God’s confirmation. They must love one another. Each must devote and sacrifice himself and what he has for the other. I, Myself, sacrifice My life for all. ’ [163]



聖約の破壊者らが、賄賂として、またアブドル・バハを辱めるための手段として、「バハオラの衣服や私物を政府の役人たちに配った」時期がありました。ハイファの副知事は、聖約の破壊者らにそそのかされて、アブドル・バハを訪問した際、バハオラのマントをこれ見よがしに着て、臆面もなくバハオラの眼鏡をかけたものでした。まもなく、この男は解任され、落ちぶれました。すると、アブドル・バハのもとに行き、許しを請いました。自分がそのような行動をとったのは、アブドル・バハの実の親族に促されたからだと言いました。師はその男に最高の優しさと寛大さを示されました。... [169]


There was a time when the Covenant-Breakers ‘gave away the garments and personal effects of Baha’u’llah to government functionaries, to serve as chattels of bribery and to provide as well the means of humiliating Abdu’l-Baha. At their instigation the Deputy-Governor of Haifa would, whilst visiting Abdu’l-Baha, ostentatiously wear Baha’u’llah’s cloak and brazenly use His spectacles. Before long this man was dismissed from his post and fell on evil days. Then he went to Abdu’l-Baha and begged His forgiveness. He had acted, he said, in the manner he did, because he was prompted by Abdu’l-Baha’s own relatives. The Master showed him utmost kindness and generosity . . . [169]




When the Master was in the Chicago area, he visited Oak Woods Cemetery, to be at the grave site of Davis True. He was accompanied by Corinne True and others. As well as reciting the Prayer for the Dead, He also prayed for all the other people who were buried there. [172]



ジュリア・グランディは、師が一般にはあまり知られていない話をされるのを聞いたことがあります。「イエスの弟子たちが道を通りかかったとき、犬の死体を見て、なんと不快で気持ち悪い光景であることかと言いました。その時、キリストは弟子の方を向いて、『いかにも。しかし、犬の歯がなんと白く美しいか見なさい』とおっしゃいました。このように、すべてのものに何らかの良さがあると教えられたのでした」。[173] アブドル・バハもこうしてまた、人は常に良い面を探し、悪い面を探してはいけないと教えられたのです。人生は前向きに取り組まねばなりません。


Julia Grundy once heard the Master tell a little-known story: ‘The disciples of Jesus, passing along the road and seeing a dead dog, remarked how offensive and disgusting a spectacle it was. Then Christ turning to them said, “Yes, but see how white and beautiful are his teeth” – thus teaching that there is some good in everything.’ [173] So, too, He taught that one should always look for the good and not for the bad. Life should be approached positively.







On pilgrimage May Maxwell came to realize that every word and every act of the Master’s had meaning and purpose. The pilgrim party was invited to meet ‘Abdu’l- Baha ‘under the cedar trees on Mount Carmel where He had been in the habit of sitting with Baha’u’llah.’ She recalled that ‘on Sunday morning we awakened with the joy and hope of the meeting on Mount Carmel. The Master arrived quite early and after looking at me, touching my head and counting my pulse, still holding my hand He said to the believers present: “There will be no meeting on Mount Carmel to-day . . . we could not go and leave one of the beloved of God alone and sick. We could none of us be happy unless all the beloved were happy.” We were astonished. That anything so important as this meeting in that blessed spot should be cancelled because one person was ill and could not go seemed incredible. It was so contrary to all ordinary habits of thought and action, so different from the life of the world where daily events and material circumstances are supreme in importance that it gave us a genuine shock of surprise, and in that shock the foundations of the old order began to totter and fall. The Master’s words had opened wide the door of God’s Kingdom and given us a vision of that infinite world whose only law is love. This was but one of many times that we saw ‘Abdu’l-Baha place above every other consideration the love and kindness, the sympathy and compassion due to every soul. Indeed, as we look back upon that blessed time spent in His presence we understand that the object of our pilgrimage was to learn for the first time on earth what love is, to witness its light in every face, to feel its burning heat in every heart and to become ourselves enkindled with this divine flame from the Sun of Truth, the Essence of whose being is love. ’ [174]





An American family once wrote to the Master, asking if they might visit Him. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, who had travelled so far without comforts, replied, ‘When you may travel in comfort, then you may come.’ So, in 1919, after the first World War, it was arranged that the Randalls, along with others, should start for Haifa, in Palestine. [175]



師の他者への配慮は、この地上の人生の最後の最後まで続きました。19211127日の午後、アブドル・バハは、聖約の日を祝う友人たちをバブの廟に送り出されました。師の家族は師とお茶を飲みました。同じ日の午後、師は、疲れが増していく中、「ハイファのイスラム法学者、市長、警察署長を、常と変わらぬ礼儀と優しさで迎えられました」。[179] その日の夕方、師は、ハイファに住む家族、巡礼者たち、そして友人たちの健康状態を聞かれました。病気の人が一人もいないことを聞いて、「良かった、良かった」と言われました。これが、師が友人たちについて発言された最後の言葉となりました。[180]

The Master’s concern for others endured to the very end of His earthly life. During the afternoon of 27 November 1921, ‘Abdu’l-Baha sent His friends to the Shrine of the Bab to celebrate the Day of the Covenant. His family had tea with Him. He ‘received with His unfailing courtesy and kindness that same afternoon, and despite growing weariness, the Mufti of Haifa, the Mayor and the Head of the Police . . .’ [179] That evening He asked after the health of every member of the Household, of the pilgrims and of the friends in Haifa. “Very good, very good” He said when told that none were ill. This was His very last utterance concerning His friends. [180]



ある日、師は娘の一人と、汚れた身なりで野蛮に見える先住民の女性に近づきました。彼女は、砂漠の酋長の娘として厳しい生活を送ってきたのでした。彼女はバハイではありませんでしたが、心から優しい師のことをもちろん慕っていました。彼女がちょっとだけ立ち止まり、師にお辞儀をして挨拶しました。師は優しく返事をされ、彼女が必要としていることを言われずに察し、通り過ぎるときに「彼女の手に一枚の硬貨を渡されました」。明らかに、彼女は感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした。師の娘の一人が、様子を見ていた人に語ったところによると、この女性はその短い出会いの中で、「師のために祈ります」と言い、これに対して、師は丁重に感謝されたそうです。 [181]


One day the Master, with one of His daughters, approached a native woman, dirty and almost savage-looking. Hers had been a hard life as the daughter of a desert chief. Though she was not a Bahá’í, she quite naturally loved the Master, who was so genuinely kind. Lingering a moment, she bowed and greeted the Master. Kindly He made reply and, somehow knowing her need, ‘pressed a coin into her hand’ as He passed by. Obviously, she was filled with appreciation. One of the Master’s daughters told an observer that this woman had, in that brief encounter, said to the Master that ‘she would pray for Him’, and graciously He had thanked her. [181]




At one time enemies of the Master, Covenant-breakers who lived in the Mansion next to the Shrine, offered one of Baha’u’llah’s cloaks and a pair of His spectacles to the governor of Haifa. They encouraged him to go and visit ‘Abdu’l-Baha with the cloak on his shoulders and with the glasses. When he came, ‘Abdu’l-Baha realized that he was wearing things which had belonged to His Father, and He was deeply grieved. However, He did not say a word and treated the man with His usual extreme courtesy and love. That day passed, but the time came when that same governor was put in prison and in chains. It was ‘Abdu’l-Baha who hastened to help and liberate him. After receiving such unexpected kindness, he begged for forgiveness saying, ‘It was not my fault. Your enemies misled me into taking such a grievous step.’  [182]






Howard Colby Ives observed, ‘I have before spoken of His unfailing courtesy. It was really more than what that term usually connotes to the Western mind. The same Persian word is used for both reverence and courtesy. He “saw the Face of His Heavenly Father in every face” and reverenced the soul behind it. How could one be discourteous if such an attitude was held towards everyone!

‘The husband of Abdu’l-Baha’s hostess in Dublin, who, while never becoming an avowed believer, had many opportunities of meeting and talking with the Master, when asked to sum up his impressions of Him, responded, after a little consideration: “I think He is the most perfect gentleman I have ever known. ” ’  [183]





アブドル・バハの家庭には、師ご自身、妻、妹、結婚して夫と子どもがいる二人の娘、二人の末娘のほかに、孤児や、殉教者たちの未亡人がいました。メアリー・ルーカスはその様子を見てこう言いました。「これらの人々は、家庭内で何らかの役を担っていて、この家庭のすべてのメンバーの愛と平等の精神は、世界のための生きた手本です。何もかもが、愛の精神で行われています」 [184]


In ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s household, in addition to Himself, His wife, His sister, two married daughters with husbands and children, and His two youngest daughters, there were some orphan children and widows of martyrs. Mary Lucas observed that: ‘These serve in some capacity in the household, and the sentiment of love and equality in every member of this home is a living example for the world. Everything is done in the spirit of love.’ [184]





Bahíyyih Randall [187] was only thirteen years old when she went to Haifa to see the Master. She recalled that ‘there was a perfectly wonderful person who always sat on the right of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at dinner. His name was Haydar-‘Alí and he had been a follower of Bahá’u’lláh and was so meek and so beautiful. His hands would shake so that he could not eat. He was such an old, old man, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá would feed him with such tenderness. One day I saw him sitting out in the garden and I asked him what he had ever done. Of course, he could not speak English and I could not speak Persian, but we somehow seemed to understand. A man came along to interpret just then, and I told him what I had asked: ‘What have you done to serve the Faith?’ ‘Haydar-‘Alí looked up with his eyes to heaven and said, “I have not done as much as an ant could do in the path of God.” Then the interpreter told me that he had been dragged across the desert, tied in a bag on a camel, and that his whole life had been one series of martyrdoms – yet he had said, ‘‘I have not done as much as an ant could do in the path of God!”’ [188]





There is no need to belabour the fact that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s every act spoke of love – a love for every human being, each created by God. His abundant love, universal and divine, transcended limited, ‘semi-selfish’ loves – loves often born of race or religion, colour or country, family or friendship. Because His love of God and Bahá’u’lláh ran deep, His love for human beings followed naturally and sincerely. He knew what it meant when He said: ‘When you love a member of your family or a compatriot, let it be with a ray of the Infinite Love! Let it be in God, and for God!’ [189] He advised pilgrim Anna Kunz and her husband in 1921, ‘Just like a shepherd who is affectionate to all his sheep, without preference or distinction, you should be affectionate to all. You should not look at their shortcomings. Consider that they are all created by God who loves them all.’ [190]




One day, in London, ‘Abdu’l-Baha was out driving with Lady Blomfield and Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper, the first Baha’i in England. Mrs Cropper asked Him, ‘Master, are you not longing to be back at Haifa with your beloved family?’ He smiled and replied: ‘I wish you to understand that you are both as truly my dear daughters, as beloved by me, as are those of whom you speak. ’ [193]





To a minister who came to call on the Master in the Maxwell Home in Montreal, ‘Abdu’l-Baha presented an armful of gorgeous American Beauty roses, standing in a tall vase at His side, sending him away with amazement and awe at the regal manners and gentle courtesy of this Prisoner from the East.’ [197]






The Master loved children and took great delight in them. He felt ‘they were nearer to the Kingdom of God’ than were adults. [200]

It was observed how He listened so attentively one day to a young granddaughter of His - He took her troubles seriously. Though she was only about two years old, she chanted a Tablet in His presence. If a word failed her, He ‘gently’ chanted it. She won from Him a glorious smile for her effort, while He sat in the corner of the divan drinking tea. [201]




One July evening in 1919 a pilgrim held a sumptuous banquet at BahjfAbdu’l-Baha Himself served about forty guests. Bedouins camping nearby also received a generous share. When their children came, the Master gave a coin to each. In the morning their fathers came to the Master, who was sitting in the garden by the Shrine of Baha’u’llah, writing Tablets, to express their appreciation and to seek His blessing. [202]




 In ‘Akká there lived a man who so hated ‘Abdu’l-Bahá that he would turn his back when he met Him, fearing lest he lose his hatred. One day they met in such a narrow street that the enemy was forced to meet ‘Abdu’l-Bahá face to face. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá tapped the man upon the shoulder and said, ‘Wait a few moments until I speak. However great may be your hatred of Me it can never be as strong as is My love for you.’ The man was startled, awakened, and made to feel the unconquerable power of love. [207]


 1909年、エセル・ローゼンバーグは聖地を巡礼しました。師は自由の身でありながら、アッカを離れず、ハイファにはまだ住んでおられませんでした。エセルは、友人たちの数を増やし、その活動をより効果的にするためにはどうすればよいか、師に尋ねました。師はお答えになりました。「小さなグループのメンバーは、お互いにとても愛し合い、献身的な友人であるべきです。自分たちがお互いに愛し合えば合うほど、その集会は他の人たちを引きつけ、引き寄せ、自分たちが愛し合えば合うほど、自分たちの影響力を感じるようになるでしょう。... 私がどれほど本気で言っているかを理解してもらうために、英語でも言いましょう。愛はすべての基礎です。... [208]


In 1909 Ethel Rosenberg made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Although He was free, the Master had not yet left ‘Akká to live in Haifa. Ethel asked Him what the friends could do to increase their numbers and to make their work more effective. He answered that ‘the members of the little groups should love each other very much and be devoted friends. The more they loved each other, the more the meetings would attract and draw others, and the more they loved, the more their influence would be felt . . . I say also in English, that you may understand how much I mean it, that love is the foundation of everything . . .’ [208]




The Master said to Mary Hanford Ford, alluding to the restriction of His and His family’s life in ‘Akka:

‘. . . we are all happy because we have the love of God in our hearts. When the heart is full of the love of God it loses consciousness of the body. Then pain is as pleasure, then darkness is as light! If such a one is shut in a prison there are no walls for him, no solitude, he knows not a prison!’ [209]





Mumrih Khanum wrote about her companionship with her husband, ‘Abdu’l-Baha:   

‘If I were to write the details of the fifty years of my association with the Beloved of the world, of His love, His mercy and bounty, I would need fifty years more of time and opportunity in order to write it; yet, if the seas of the world were turned into ink and the leaves of the forest into paper, I would not render adequate justice to the subject. ’’ [210]



Service, Commitment, Involvement



Service to God, to Bahá’u’lláh, to family, to friends and enemies, indeed to all mankind – this was the pattern of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s life. He wished only to be the Servant of God and man. To serve – rather than being demeaning and unfulfilling – was honour, joy and fulfilment. This motivated His entire day from dawn to after midnight. He used to say, ‘Nothing is too much trouble when one loves, and there is always time.’ [211]




『精神性への渇望(かつぼう)を得ることが第一であり、それから人生を生きなさい!人生を生きなさい!人生を生きなさい! この渇きを得るための方法は、将来の人生について瞑想することです。聖なる言葉を学び、聖書を読み、聖典を読み、とりわけ、バハオラの聖なる言葉を学び、祈りと瞑想、この二つに多くの時間を割きなさい。そうすれば、あなたはこの偉大な渇きを知ることができ、その時初めて人生を生き始めることができるのです。






Anise Rideout reported the following in The Baha’i Magazine: ‘It was my great privilege to be in New York during the last days spent by ‘Abdu’l-Baha in America. There was a question which I greatly longed to ask, but fearing the reply would be that I must talk to people, everywhere, I hesitated. Finally, on the last day, almost the last moment of my stay, it came to me that it was cowardly to hesitate. On that day, as I came into His presence, He immediately said, “Are there any questions?” At once I asked the question, “Which is the best way to give the Baha’i Message?”

‘ ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s face became very serious, His voice loud as He answered in these words:

‘ “The first thing to do is to acquire a thirst for spirituality, then live the life! Live the life! Live the life! The way to acquire this thirst is to meditate upon the

future life. Study the Holy Words, read your Bible, read the Holy Books, especially study the Holy utterances of Baha’u’llah; prayer and meditation, take much time for these two. Then will you know this great thirst, and then only can you begin to live the life!

‘“To live the life you must be the very kindest woman, you must be the most pure, you must be absolutely truthful, and live a perfectly moral life.

‘ “Visit your neighbors when they are sick or in trouble, offer your services to them, try to show them that you are longing to serve them.

‘ “Feed the poor, divide what you have. Be contented to remain where God has placed you; be faithful in your care of those to whom He has trusted you, NEVER WAVER IN THIS - show by your life you have something different, so that all will see and say, ‘What has this person that I have not?’

‘ “Show the world that in spite of the utmost suffering, poverty, sickness, you have something which gives you comfort, strength and peace - that you are happy - serene - satisfied with all that is in your life.[215]










それから、彼女に言われました。彼女の町には、彼女にとって最悪の敵である男が住んでいました。彼は息子を残して死にましたが、その世話をする人がいないので、それが彼女の仕事になったのです。これを聞いたとき、彼女は感(きわ)まりました。そして、精神的に生まれ変わりました。彼女は泣いて言いました。「私の師よ、今、バハイの大業の意味がわかりました」 [216]


At the Annual Baha’i Convention held in Chicago in 1923 Jinab-i-Fadil told the following story: A woman went to ‘Abdu’l-Baha, received His teachings and blessings, and asked for a special work. ‘Abdu’l-Baha said, ‘Spread the law of love. Live in accord with love, reciprocity and cooperation.’

She answered, ‘I want something special. All Baha’is are asked to do this.’

Abdu’l-Baha answered, ‘Very well. Come tomorrow morning, when you are about to leave, and I will give you the special work.’

She was very happy all that day and night, in anticipation.

The next day ‘Abdu’l-Baha said to her, ‘I am going to give you my son that you may educate him physically, mentally and spiritually.’

She was surprised, and was made happy at this. But her surprise gave way to wonder when she reflected that ‘Abdu’l-Baha had no son. What could He mean?

Abdu’l-Baha asked, ‘Do you know this son of mine?’

Then He told her: In her city there had lived a man, her worst enemy. He had died leaving a son, with no one to take care of him: this was now her task. When she heard this she was overwhelmed. She was spiritually reborn. She wept and said, ‘My Master, I now know what the Baha’i Cause means.’ [216]



エリザベス・ギブソン・セインという詩人がいました。夫は、高名な評論家のTK・セイン博士でした。夫妻が英国のオックスフォードに住んでいたとき、アブドル・バハが訪問されました。博士の健康と体力は衰えつつありました。「優れた天分のある、病弱な夫を愛情深く世話する献身的な妻の姿に、アブドル・バハは心打たれました。師は優しい目に涙を浮かべ、ロンドンへの帰途に、仲間たちにこうおっしゃいました。『彼女の愛は全く無我で、すべての人の模範です。天使のような女性です。本当に完璧な人、天使です』。」 [217]


Elizabeth Gibson Cheyne, poetess, and her husband, Dr T. K. Cheyne, esteemed critic, lived in Oxford, England, when ‘Abdu’l-Baha visited them. Dr Cheyne’s health and strength were waning. ‘The beautiful loving care of the devoted wife for her gifted, invalid husband touched the heart of‘Abdu’l-Baha. With tears in His kind eyes He spoke of them’ to His companions on their way back to London, ‘ “She is an angelic woman, an example to all in her unselfish love. Yes, she is a perfect woman. An angel.” ’ [217]





One day in early May 1912, Abdu’l-Baha travelled by train from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Washington, D.C. - a twelve-hour ride. ‘His companions begged Him to take a special compartment or a berth on the train; but He refused saying, “I spend money only to help people and to serve the Cause of God; and I have never liked distinctions since my childhood.” ’ [218]







Abdu’l-Baha’s love in no way obscured His sense of justice. On the contrary: it heightened His awareness. Had not Baha’u’llah taught Him well that ‘The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice’? [219]

The Master Himself, speaking of justice, declared that: ‘Its operation must be carried out in all classes, from the highest to the lowest. Justice must be sacred, and the rights of all the people must be considered. Desire for others only that which you desire for yourselves.’ [220]





Thomas Breakwell, the first English believer, went to the prison city of ‘Akka as a pilgrim. In conversation with the Master, he described his position in the cotton mills of the South in the United States. Breakwell told ‘Abdu’l-Baha that the mills were run on child labour. Then the Master looked at him gravely and sadly for a while, and said, ‘Cable your resignation.’ With-great relief Breakwell hastened to obey Him. [221]




20世紀になって、人権の重要性が多く語られたり、書かれたりしていますが、既に1875年、アブドル・バハはこう書かれていました。「… 他の人たちの権利を尊重しなさい」[223] お父上の信教は、人類の一体性、偏見の撤廃、男女の平等を宣言しました。


In the twentieth century much is being said and written about the importance of human rights, but, already in 1875, Abdu’l-Baha had written:‘. . . have regard for the rights of others.’ [223] His Father’s Faith proclaimed the oneness of all mankind; the abolition of prejudices; the equality of men and women.