The Cause of Unity



And then the voice of the Divine Lote-Tree sounded, calling aloud and saying:  “Praise be unto God Who hath ordained marriage to be a portal for the appearance of the manifestations of His Name, the All-Merciful, and adorned by its means the cities of His mention and praise.”  Verily, it is the key to the perpetuation of life for the peoples of the world, and the inscrutable instrument for the fulfilment of their destiny.  Through it the water of life hath streamed forth unto the people of certitude.  Praised be God, Who hath made marriage a means for propagating His Cause amongst His servants and proclaiming His Word throughout the world….





All loving-kindness is Thine, O Thou Who art the Object of the adoration of all humankind, inasmuch as Thou hast ordained marriage to be a cause of unity amongst Thy creatures and of the exaltation of Thy Word amidst Thy people.  Through its agency, Thou hast bound together the hearts and revealed the manifestations of Thy Name, the Best-Beloved.  By its means, the hidden mysteries have been disclosed from behind the mount of Thy power, and earth and heaven have been illumined with the light of Thy loving-kindness.

(Bahá’u’lláh, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)


(バハーウッラー、英語訳Tabletより)          [1]


He is God.



All praise be unto God, Who hath created realities that are paired through the mutual encounter of the divine names and attributes, that are comprised of both existence and essence, and that derive their grace from states that are opposite yet compatible and from facing mirrors that form complementary reflections.  “Glory be to Him Who hath created all the pairs, of such things as the earth produceth, and of themselves, and of things beyond their ken”,  and hath made the human reality to be a wellspring of blessings and a fountainhead of abundant increase in the world of being.  The inner realities of all things proceeded from the encounter of the most excellent names, and the contest of the most exalted attributes.  They married, assembled, gathered, harmonized, united, and attained unto completion and perfection—whereupon, within the essences of the realities derived therefrom, the effulgence of primal oneness shone resplendent.

神に讃美あれ。聖なる名と属性の出会いをもって神は存在と本質の全てを御創りになった。正反対でありながら相容れ、また補完的に反射し合う向かい合った鏡から輝きがこの世で体現された。「神の栄光をたたえよう、神はこの新郎新婦すべてをこの大地が生んだ全てのもの、その存在自体、またまだ見ぬその存在以上のものをつくりたもうた御方であられる(クルアーン 36:36)」人間のこの世を祝福の泉とし、存在の世界における豊穣拡大の源泉とした。万物の内在的現実は、最も高貴なる名の数々と、その素晴らしい神の属性が集まり進歩してきた。それらは結ばれ、集い、調和し、一体化し、完成と完璧に到達し、そこから派生した実在の本質の中で、原初の一体性が燦然と輝いたのである。


Within these mysteries lieth an inscrutable wisdom—a wisdom through which God’s laws and ordinances have been revealed in the Sacred Scriptures.  Unto God belongeth supreme authority, irrefutable proofs, all-swaying sovereignty, consummate might, and all-encompassing powers of attraction.




Blessing and praise rest upon that Reality that joineth together the spiritual realities and subtle particulars of the universe—that mighty Bridge, that all-bountiful Link, that Confluence of the two seas and Meeting-Place of the two shores, that Day-Star of the “two Easts” and Light of the “two Wests” —upon that Blessed Tree and its branches, its leaves, its blossoms, and its fruits, and upon all those who have sought shelter within its shade and taken refuge beneath its outspread boughs.

全宇宙の霊性の本質と特殊性を結びつけた聖なる結婚に祝福と賛美あれ!それはすなわち強大な橋であり、寛大なる万物のつながり、二つの海の合流点、その二つの岸辺の出会いの場、その「二つの東の主」の昼星、その「二つの西の主」の光 (クルアーン55:17)であり、その祝福された聖木とその枝、その葉、その花、その実の上、そしてその木陰、その広がった枝の下の隠れ家に保護を求めたすべての人々の上を照らしているのである。




Verily, the All-Merciful One shed His splendour upon the Sinai of creation with a light that gleamed, flashed, and beamed upon the dawning-places of the souls and the horizons of the world. Thereupon did all potentialities and their recipients, and all existences and essences, unite and join together in affection, intimacy, and mutual attraction.  Through this union, the sign of Divine Oneness appeared, the standard of His Singleness was hoisted, all multiplicity disappeared, all selfishness vanished into nothingness, and every dividing boundary did fade away.




And so that this primal oneness may be expressed and this spiritual harmony be manifested, He, through His consummate wisdom and all-encompassing mercy, prescribed matrimony and ordained it to be a means of salvation and well-being, that it might be a symbol of that divine bond and a sign of that spiritual harmony, heavenly bounty, and celestial favour.




Rejoice, then, O people of Bahá, at this loving harmony that your Lord hath ordained for you from the realms above, and this unity that hath been established upon pillars of divine guidance. From it hath sprung the harmony that hath formed between this blessed leaf and this exalted bough, and the union that hath appeared between this noble fruit and this wondrous branch.




Wherefore, beseech ye God to make this marriage blessed, prosperous, loving, and happy, to gladden and vivify by it their two hearts, and to raise up, through them, souls who will walk steadfastly in the Cause of the Lord, who will diffuse the sweet savours of holiness throughout the East and the West, will illumine the world with the light of divine knowledge, will perfume all regions with the fragrances of divine mysteries, and will adorn the world of being with the  hidden secrets of servitude to Him Who is its Creator and Supreme Ordainer.  Praise be unto God, both at the beginning of this union and at its culmination.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)


(アラビア語から翻訳されたタブレットより)。      [6]



Regarding the question of marriage, know thou that the command of marriage is eternal.  It will never be changed or altered.  This creation is divine, and it is not possible for that which is created by God to be changed or altered.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)  [7]


(アブドゥル=バハー、ペルシア語から翻訳されたタブレットより) [7]



It has been ordained in this Dispensation that unity and love should increase day by day between husband and wife, so that they become one soul, one spirit and one body.  I hope that God’s purpose will be manifested in the utmost perfection between you.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)  [8]


('Abdu'l-Bahá、ペルシア語から翻訳されたタブレットより)            [8]



Praise be unto Him Who, through His effulgent grace, created the Primal Origin of existence and made It the centre of the seat of glory.  From this human Temple, He hath caused to emanate all the tribes, kindreds, and nations of the earth.  Whereupon He created all things—whether plants or animals or intelligent and rational beings—in joyous, connected pairs, in order that they might flourish, multiply, and worship their Lord with radiant devotion, treading the path of guidance with heart and soul.  Amongst the believers, He hath ordained this binding covenant to be a sign of Divine Unity and the highest means for attaining physical and spiritual union. He hath matched His servants and chosen ones with luminous maidservants and heavenly leaves…. He hath bound together their hearts and made them even as a single soul, that they may, at all times and under all conditions, live in harmony, affection, unity, and concord.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)    [9]


(アラビア語から翻訳されたタブレットより)          [9]



O maidservant of God!  Praise be unto God that thy loving husband hath entered beneath the shade of the Blessed Tree, and hath received the light of divine guidance from the heavenly sun and luminous moon.  He is an agreeable companion and a true friend.  Therefore, thou shouldst act in such a manner that he may enjoy the utmost happiness, felicity, and delight and may be wholeheartedly pleased and gladdened.  I shall pray for you and hope that, through the bounties and blessings of the Almighty, ye may live in a state of utmost harmony and love.  Upon thee be the glory of the Most Glorious.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)  [10]


('Abdu'l-Bahá、ペルシア語から翻訳されたタブレットより)            [10]



Endeavour that the black and the white may gather in one meeting place, and with the utmost love, fraternally associate with each other, so that quarrel and strife may vanish from among the white and the black.  Thou must even endeavour that they intermarry.  There is no greater means to bring about affection between the white and the black than the influence of the Word of God.  Likewise marriage between these two races will wholly destroy and eradicate the root of enmity.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)  [11]


(アブドゥル=バハ、ペルシア語から翻訳されたタブレットより)            [11]




God testifieth that there is none other God but Him, Who is potent to do whatsoever He willeth.  He ruleth over His dominion as He pleaseth.  This is a Day wherein the All-Merciful hath enjoined matrimony upon the people that through it may appear those who will lift up their voices and make mention of God, the Lord of the seen and of the unseen, the Lord of the Mighty Throne….


Glory be upon thee and upon the handmaiden with whom We have favoured thee.  Render ye thanks unto God, and say:  “Magnified art Thou, O Lord of the World!  All praise be unto Thee, O Thou Who art the glory of such as have recognized Thee!”

(Bahá’u’lláh, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic) [15]





 お二人に栄光あれ、また選びし侍女に誉あれ。神に感謝を捧げ、言挙げよ、「全世界の主なる御方に誉あれ!あなたに最高の賛美あれ、 あなたに目覚めた者らの栄光にましまします神よ!」

 (バハオラの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[15]






O ye two birds of the celestial gardens!  Render thanks unto God that ye were graciously enabled to enter into matrimony with one another and wish to establish a blessed family.  I too supplicate the realm of the All-Glorious that those two intimate doves may be made to warble sweet melodies in the heaven of His bounty, so that upon the twigs of the Tree of Life they may sing, in the most wondrous tones, hymns of praise and glory to the Lord of Hosts, in order that all who hearken thereunto may be moved and filled with joy and ecstasy, may be stirred by the breezes of God’s loving-kindness, may seek eternal life, and may long for spiritual rebirth.  Upon you both be the glory of the Most Glorious.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [17]


親しく交わる二羽の鳩が、神の恩恵の楽園で麗しい調べを奏でることができるよう、栄光に満ち給う御方の領土を仰ぎ懇願いたします。それにより、生命の木の枝の上で最も妙なる音色で、万軍の主への賛美と栄光の賛歌を奏でることができますよう。そして、耳を傾ける者らが心を動かされ、 喜びと歓喜で満たされ、神のご慈愛の微風に揺り動かされ、永遠の生命を求め、魂の目覚めを切望することができますように。あなた方二人に至高の栄光が降り注がれますように。

(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[17]





It is my fervent hope that, through the bestowals of the Blessed Beauty, this marriage may bring about joy and radiance, and may gladden and cheer the friends—and that through it, a Bahá’í family may shine forth in the realm of existence, the descendants of which will become manifestations of divine grace and bounty in the ages and centuries to come.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [18]




(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[18]






I beseech God to graciously make of thy home a centre for the diffusion of the light of divine guidance, for the dissemination of the Words of God and for enkindling at all times the fire of love in the hearts of His faithful servants and maidservants.  Know thou of a certainty that every house wherein the anthem of praise is raised to the Realm of Glory in celebration of the Name of God is indeed a heavenly home, and one of the gardens of delight in the Paradise of God.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)



                   (アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[19]






I convey my greetings and felicitations on the occasion of thy marriage.  May it be blessed and joyous, and may it lead to the continuation of thy lineage forevermore.  Every marriage founded upon the utmost steadfastness in the love of God will assuredly become a source of great blessings.  Therefore, I beseech God that this marriage may be conducive to happiness and this union may lead to the appearance of divine bestowals.  Upon thee be greetings and praise.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [20]





(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[20]




After marriage thou shouldst, God willing, together with thy revered husband diffuse the sweet savours of God so that the confirmations of the Lord of Hosts may continually descend upon you.  Through whatever region ye may pass, shed ye the divine bestowals like unto the vernal showers, and render the lands green and verdant thereby.  Upon thee be the glory of the Most Glorious.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)        [21]



(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[21]





The hearts were cheered by your marriage on a blessed and happy day in this glorious age.  In the estimation of true believers, there is no doubt whatsoever that this marriage is auspicious and blessed, inasmuch as ye have both sought shelter beneath the Tree of Life, have entered the Ark of Salvation, and have, through the confirmations of the Lord of tokens and signs, been attracted by the sweet savours of the garden of heaven.  How blessed is this marriage!  How noble is this fellowship and union!  Be ye as a pair of doves that nest on the loftiest branches of the Tree of Life within the Paradise of the All-Merciful and warble, in the night season and at the break of dawn, the most wondrous songs in praise of their Lord, the Unconstrained.  Verily, I beseech God to ordain for you every good, to quicken you with a pure and goodly life, to assist you to undertake righteous deeds, and to bestow blessings upon your loved ones and your kindred.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)                                                                                   [22]



(アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[22]




It is highly important for man to raise a family.  So long as he is young, because of youthful self-complacency, he does not realize its significance, but this will be a source of regret when he grows old….  In this glorious Cause the life of a married couple should resemble the life of the angels in heaven—a life full of joy and spiritual delight, a life of unity and concord, a friendship both mental and physical.  The home should be orderly and well-organized.  Their ideas and thoughts should be like the rays of the sun of truth and the radiance of the brilliant stars in the heavens.  Even as two birds they should warble melodies upon the branches of the tree of fellowship and harmony.  They should always be elated with joy and gladness and be a source of happiness to the hearts of others.  They should set an example to their fellow-men, manifest a true and sincere love towards each other and educate their children in such a manner as to blazon the fame and glory of their family.

(From the Utterances of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—translated from the Persian)                                                                       [23]






(アブドル・バハの言葉 ペルシア語から翻訳)[23]





Grieve thou not, and sorrow not.  Place thy whole trust in God, and hold fast unto the hem of the Almighty.  God be praised, thus far hath it been well, and so shall it be again.  Verily, thy Lord is the Gracious, the All-Merciful.  Strive to the utmost not to separate from the daughter of …, for the one true God desireth harmony, while discord is contrary to His good-pleasure.  He desireth union, not division, and wisheth for connection, not separation.  The most favourable of all conditions is harmony and love.  However, if this is in no wise possible, and complete aversion hath arisen, then separation is permissible.  Strive, therefore, with all thy might, for unity, not division.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [42]







O thou dear handmaid of God!  Render thanks unto God that the means of reconciliation and fellowship with thine esteemed spouse have been established.  The news of thy return to Mr. … hath made me exceedingly happy, for in the sight of God naught is more beloved than harmony and concord, while nothing is more abhorrent than estrangement and separation.  Praised be God that love and harmony have been re-established between you.  I was deeply gladdened.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [43]




(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[43]




Formerly in Persia divorce was very easily obtained.  Among the people of the past Dispensation a trifling matter would cause divorce.  However, as the light of the Kingdom shone forth, souls were quickened by the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh, then they totally eschewed divorce.  In Persia now divorce doth not take place among the friends, unless a compelling reason existeth which maketh harmony impossible.  Under such rare circumstances some cases of divorce take place.


Now the friends in America must live and conduct themselves in this way.  They must strictly refrain from divorce unless something ariseth which compelleth them to separate because of their aversion for each other, in that case with the knowledge of the Spiritual Assembly they may decide to separate.  They must then be patient and wait one complete year.  If during this year, harmony is not re-established between them, then their divorce may be realized.  It should not happen that upon the occurrence of a slight friction or displeasure between husband and wife, the husband would think of union with some other woman, or, God forbid, the wife also think of another husband.  This is contrary to the standard of heavenly value and true chastity.  The friends of God must so live and conduct themselves, and evince such excellence of character and conduct, as to make others astonished.  The love between husband and wife must not be purely physical, nay, rather, it must be spiritual and heavenly.  These two souls should be considered as one soul.  How difficult it would be to divide a single soul!  Nay, great would be the difficulty!


In short, the foundation of the Kingdom of God is based upon harmony and love, oneness, relationship and union, not upon differences, especially between husband and wife.  If one of these two becometh the cause of divorce, that one will unquestionably fall into great difficulties, will become the victim of formidable calamities and experience deep remorse.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Persian)                                                                                   [44]







(アブドル・バハの書簡 ペルシア語から翻訳)[44]












Praise be unto God Who hath adorned the human reality with manifest signs of divine love, and hath illumined all existent beings with the light of attraction, in such wise that they have become harmonized, interconnected, and mutually attracted through the power of heaven.  Verily, union, assemblage, marriage, intermingling, association, and integration are the cause of life for all beings, whereas dissolution, separation, dissociation, divorce, and division lead to the death and destruction of created things.   

God hath created no being but that its existence doth depend upon the association, composition, and intermingling of simple, primal elements—whereas all that God hath decreed of death, destruction, and extinction occurreth by way of the dissolution, separation, dispersion, and dissociation of the principal constituent parts.  Whensoever the natures and elements are gathered, joined, paired, and intermingled, a living being or composite entity is formed, fashioned, and brought into existence.  And whensoever they dissociate, separate, and disperse, then that being shall deteriorate, decline, and fall from its station of existence within creation.

Thus, God hath made harmony the cause of life, and discord the cause of death, and hath ordained that coupling, union, and mutual attraction between the hearts of the servants and maidservants through the bond of matrimony be the cause of joy and prosperity of both body and soul.  “Glory be to Him Who hath created all the pairs, of such things as the earth produceth, and of themselves, and of things beyond their ken.”  This, verily, is an evidence of His tender mercy, bounty, and grace unto His devoted servants.

We beseech God to make this marriage to be a cause of felicity, advancement, honour, glory, upliftment, and freedom, so that from this servant and handmaiden there may issue forth many souls who will worship God, bow down in adoration before Him, be devoted and sincere in their faith, and arise to render service to Him and to the world of humanity.  He, verily, is the Beneficent, the All-Merciful.

O God, my God!  Bless Thou the two parties to this marriage, this Thy servant and this Thy handmaiden, both of whom believe in Thy oneness, testify to Thy unity, and are attracted to Thy Kingdom.  Ordain for them every good and make their marriage to be a cause of loftiness, honour, perfection, light, and mercy for evermore.  Verily, Thou art the All-Bountiful, the Compassionate, and Thou art He Who is loving and kind to His handmaidens and servants.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)          [97]





 おお神よ、わが神よ! この結婚の両者、あなたの僕と侍女を祝福し給え。彼らはあなたの唯一性を信じ、あなたの一体性を証し、神の王国に惹きつけられています。  彼らのためにあらゆる善を定め与えたまえ、この結婚を永遠に崇高、名誉、完全、光、慈悲の源となし給え。まことにあなたは、全てに恵み深き、憐れみ深き御方におわし、侍女と僕らに愛情深くお優しい御方におわします。


          (アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[97]


O my Lord and my Hope!  Thou hast, through Thy consummate wisdom, enjoined harmony upon Thy creation and prescribed companionship unto the virtuous amongst Thy servants.  Thou hast created all things as joined pairs so that through such union Thy purpose may be realized, and through such bonding, joy and gladness may appear.  Thou hast, through Thy grace and bounty, conjoined the hearts and souls, so that countenances may shine, even as lamps, with the light of Thy love, and joyful nuptials may occur at every morn and eventide….


Lord!  Make these two souls even as one body, one soul, and one heart, intermingling even as water and wine, and as honey and pure milk.  Ordain Thou for their offspring every blessing.  Advance their station and cause them to be as two luminous signs shining forth from

the horizon of love and affection.  Verily, Thou art the Unifier, the Supreme Ordainer, the Source of all love, the Most Generous, the Compassionate.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)          [98]





(アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)   [98]

Grant, O my Lord, that this marriage may be auspicious, joyous, blessed, and praiseworthy.  Strengthen Thou the union and increase the harmony between these two souls, that they may live together in the utmost tranquillity and delight, and may establish a devoted family that believeth in Thee and in Thy signs.  Verily, Thou art the All-Bountiful.  Verily, Thou art the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Most Powerful.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)          [99]


           (アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[99]


O my Lord and my Hope!  This Thy servant hath, in obedience to Thy bidding and in fulfilment of Thy laws, wed one of Thy handmaidens in order that they may establish upon Thine earth a family that shall remember Thee amongst Thy creatures, call out in Thy name amidst Thy people, and become distinguished throughout the world for its relationship to Thee and its reliance upon Thee.  O Lord!  Grant that this marriage may be prosperous, blessed, pleasing, and happy, and make it a cause of harmony and fellowship for evermore.  Thou, verily, aidest whomsoever Thou willest.  Thou art, in truth, the Most Powerful, the Almighty, the Omnipotent. 

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)          [102]



(アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)  [102]


O Lord, make Thou this marriage to be blessed, prosperous, and happy.  Bind these two souls together, and gladden Thou every eye with the fruits that shall come forth from this auspicious occasion.  Shelter them both within the sanctuary of Thy care and protection, and guard them with the watchful eye of Thy loving-kindness.  Cause them to become signs of Thy remembrance amidst Thy creatures, and lamps of Thy knowledge within the glass of Thy bountiful favour.

O Lord!  They are feeble; strengthen them through Thy power.  They are lowly; exalt them through Thy might.  They are supplicating Thee at the door of Thy oneness and entreating Thee at the threshold of Thy tender mercy.  Verily, Thou art the All-Powerful, the All-Mighty, the Bounteous, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from a Tablet—translated from the Arabic)                [103]




 (アブドル・バハの書簡 アラビア語から翻訳)[103]